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Od czasu wejścia w życie ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych (RODO) w 2018 r. Parlament Europejski i organizacje społeczeństwa obywatelskiego sygnalizowały niedociągnięcia w procedurach egzekwowania w przypadkach transgranicznego przetwarzania danych osobowych. W związku z tym Komisja Europejska zaproponowała nowe przepisy, aby rozwiązać problem rozbieżnych podejść proceduralnych stosowanych przez różne krajowe organy ochrony danych. Parlament zagłosuje nad swoim stanowiskiem podczas pierwszego ...

In November 2023, the European Commission presented a proposal to reinforce the role of Europol, the EU Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, in the fight against migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings. With detections of irregular border crossings at the EU's external borders at their highest levels since 2016 and demand for migration facilitation services following suit, the Commission sees an urgent need to step up the prevention, detection and investigation of these crimes. Europol's ...

As the European Union's only directly elected institution, the European Parliament stands at the heart of European representative democracy, the foundation upon which the EU is built. Since its creation, the Parliament's powers have evolved significantly, and it is now a fully fledged legislative body and forum for discussion and engagement, whose influence is felt in virtually all areas of EU activity. This paper offers an overview of the European Parliament's main powers, demonstrating how they ...

Victims of terrorism: EU response

W skrócie 08-03-2024

On 11 March, Europe honours all those who have lost their lives or loved ones to terror. The European Day of Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism was inaugurated after the 2004 Madrid bombings. Protecting victims of terrorism is an essential part of the EU's efforts to address all dimensions of the terrorist threat. In response to the attacks that have hit Europe over the past two decades, the EU has strengthened its rules and sanctions relating to terrorist activities. Ongoing EU action seeks to ...

W 2016 r., w obliczu bezprecedensowej liczby migrantów o nieuregulowanym statusie i osób ubiegających się o azyl przybywających do UE, Komisja Europejska zaproponowała pakiet reform wspólnego europejskiego systemu azylowego (WESA). W czerwcu 2018 r. Parlament Europejski i prezydencja Rady UE osiągnęły wstępnie szerokie porozumienie wstępne w sprawie kilku propozycji reform. Porozumienie to nie uzyskało jednak wystarczającego poparcia państw członkowskich. Reforma utknęła w martwym punkcie ze względu ...

More than 90 % of people who cross the external borders of the European Union (EU) irregularly do so with the assistance of migrant smugglers. The facilitation of irregular migration is a highly profitable criminal activity, given the relatively low risks incurred by the perpetrators. Detections of irregular border crossings are at their highest levels since 2016, yet demand for migration facilitation services has also risen to a new high. This high demand is not only due to the fact that people ...

Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 transformed Frontex into the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and considerably increased its tasks, powers, responsibilities and budget. The regulation extended the agency's tasks and competences while also balancing them with stronger fundamental rights safeguards and increased liability and accountability, including by giving the European Parliament oversight of the agency's activities. As part of this oversight, Parliament endorses the agency's budget, can ask the ...

The EU is an important market for illicit drugs (hereinafter referred to as drugs), both in terms of consumption and production. An estimated 29 % of European adults aged 15-65 have used drugs at least once in their lifetime, the majority of them being men. Cannabis remains by far the most used drug, followed by cocaine, MDMA (ecstasy or molly) and amphetamines. Drugs have been claiming an increasing number of lives in the EU since 2012, but their impact goes far beyond the harm caused by their use ...

Every 26 June, the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking seeks to raise awareness of the problems, challenges and nefarious effects of illicit drugs (hereinafter referred to as drugs) on individuals and on society as whole. Drugs are an increasingly complex security, social and health problem that affects millions of people in the European Union (EU) and globally. The drug market generates huge profits for organised crime, and is estimated to be the source of approximately ...

The Return Directive is the main piece of EU legislation governing return procedures. Under this directive, Member States must issue a return decision (an administrative or judicial decision imposing an obligation to leave the territory) for every third-country national found to be irregularly present on their territory. A proposal to recast the EU Return Directive is under discussion in the European Parliament and Council. This infographic sets out the key data relating to EU return policy.