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The ongoing structural transformation and the rapid spread of the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution are challenging current democratic institutions and their established forms of governance and regulation. At the same time, these changes offer vast opportunities to enhance, strengthen and expand the existing democratic framework to reflect a more complex and interdependent world. This process has already begun in many democratic societies but further progress is needed. Examining these ...

The EU is actively engaged in protecting the independence and safety of journalists as crucial components of the proper democratic functioning of its institutions and Member States. Media freedom, however, has been deteriorating in recent years. Threats, harassment, public shaming and even assassinations of media actors are on the rise. At its November II plenary session, the European Parliament is due to vote on an own-initiative report concerned with strengthening media freedom. The report emphasises ...

Public authorities are currently facing extraordinary challenges. These include managing an unprecedented public health crisis, restoring economic growth without damaging the environment, combating inequality, securing peace, and many more. In the coming decades, public regulators, and with them academics, civil society actors and corporate powers, will have to confront another dilemma that is fast becoming a clear and present challenge: whether to preserve and protect the current structures of democratic ...

Humans are among the many living species capable of collaborative and imaginative thinking. While it is widely agreed among scholars that this capacity has contributed to making humans the dominant species, other crucial questions remain open to debate. Is it possible to encourage large groups of people to engage in collective thinking? Is it possible to coordinate citizens to find solutions to address global challenges? Some scholars claim that large groups of independent, motivated, and well-informed ...

Digital innovation is radically transforming democratic decision-making. Public administrations are experimenting with mobile applications (apps) to provide citizens with real-time information, using online platforms to crowdsource ideas, and testing algorithms to engage communities in day-to-day administration. The key question is what technology breakthrough means for governance systems created long before digital disruption. On the one hand, policy-makers are hoping that technology can be used ...

What will European Union (EU) decision-making look like in the next decade and beyond? Is technological progress promoting more transparent, inclusive and participatory decision-making at EU level? Technology has dramatically changed both the number and quality of connections between citizens and public administrations. With technological progress, citizens have gained improved access to public authorities through new digital communication channels. Innovative, tech-based, approaches to policy-making ...

Faced with a growing international terrorist threat, the European Union (EU) is playing an ever more ambitious role in counter-terrorism. Even though primary responsibility for combating crime and ensuring security lies with the Member States, the EU provides cooperation, coordination and (to some extent) harmonisation tools, as well as financial support, to address this borderless phenomenon. Moreover, the assumption that there is a connection between development and stability, as well as between ...

This infographic contains up-to-date information on key data concerning the forthcoming European elections (to be held in May 2019). In a one-page format, readers will find information on the election day in each country, the voting systems adopted at Member State level, as well as on rules governing eligibility and allocation of seats. The infographic also explains the re-distribution of seats which would take place following the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU, now expected to take place ...

Ochrona sygnalistów

W skrócie 10-04-2019

Proponowane nowe rozporządzenie UE w sprawie ochrony osób zgłaszających przypadki naruszenia unijnego prawa obejmuje szeroką gamę przepisów UE, w tym dotyczących prania pieniędzy, opodatkowania przedsiębiorstw, ochrony danych, ochrony interesów finansowych Unii, bezpieczeństwa żywności i produktów, ochrony środowiska i bezpieczeństwa jądrowego. Głosowanie w Parlamencie nad zatwierdzeniem kompromisowego tekstu wniosku ma się odbyć na ostatniej sesji plenarnej w tej kadencji.

Oczekuje się, że w kwietniu Parlament Europejski zagłosuje nad wnioskiem ustawodawczym mającym na celu zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa dowodów tożsamości obywateli UE, jak również dokumentów pobytowych wydawanych obywatelom Unii i członkom ich rodzin. Wniosek ma na celu ograniczenie wykorzystywania fałszywych dokumentów, którymi terroryści i przestępcy mogą posługiwać się przy wjeździe do UE z państw spoza UE.