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Instrument na rzecz Ukrainy – z budżetem w wysokości do 50 mld EUR w formie dotacji i pożyczek na lata 2024–2027 – będzie wspierać Ukrainę i jej odbudowę oraz pomagać temu krajowi w drodze do przystąpienia do UE. 6 lutego 2024 r. Parlament Europejski i Rada osiągnęły porozumienie polityczne w sprawie ustanowienia Instrumentu na rzecz Ukrainy po tym, jak w Radzie Europejskiej osiągnięto porozumienie w sprawie zmiany wieloletnich ram finansowych UE (WRF). WRF powinny finansować dotacje i gwarantować ...

Almost two years since Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, EU military assistance under the European Peace Facility (EPF) is lagging. The special European Council meeting of 1 February 2024 invited the Council to agree by early March 2024 to amend the regulation establishing the EPF, in order to increase its financial ceiling.

Gdy państwa spoza Unii finansują swoje przedsiębiorstwa, mogą zakłócać funkcjonowanie jednolitego rynku. Na pierwszej listopadowej sesji plenarnej Parlament będzie głosował nad wstępnym porozumieniem osiągniętym w negocjacjach trójstronnych w sprawie rozporządzenia o takich subsydiach zagranicznych. Zgodnie z tym rozporządzeniem przedsiębiorstwa musiałyby zgłaszać subsydia przyznane przez organy publiczne spoza UE w razie fuzji i przejęć spółek oraz w razie przetargów na duże zamówienia publiczne ...

More than two decades after the United Nations General Assembly adopted its Declaration on Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) to enhance recognition of their role and encourage states to create a more protective environment, many human rights defenders face an increasingly hostile environment, with both repressive governments and some non-state actors, such as economic interest or criminal groups, opposing their work and posing a serious threat. Support for human rights defenders is a long established ...

Since 2000, Serbia has undergone a halting yet persistent reintegration into the global economy. However, Serbian foreign policy currently faces a dilemma, as (at least) four separate powers are vying for influence within the country. This study examines Serbia’s foreign policies towards the European Union (EU), the United States (US), Russia, and China, in particular examining the influence of each power with regard to foreign aid, trade, investment and security. Our analysis shows that each partner ...

The Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) is the main financial instrument in the EU budget for funding aid to developing countries, and as such complements the European Development Fund, which is outside the EU budget. The primary objective of the DCI is to alleviate poverty, but it also contributes to other international priorities of the EU such as the UN's post-2015 Development Agenda; sustainable economic, social and environmental development; and the promotion of democracy, the rule of law ...

The new administration of US President Donald Trump has put forward an 'America First' vision in the field of development policy. In his 2018 budget proposal, President Trump requests the US Congress to scale back and refocus US political commitments and financial contributions in the areas of economic and development assistance, humanitarian aid and global health. Limited US foreign assistance funding will be prioritised on the regions, programmes and international organisations that most directly ...

Kim Jong-un became the third leader in North Korea’s history, after succeeding his father Kim Jong-il, who died in December 2011. The succession took place smoothly and the new leader follows his predecessor's repressive political line and insists on the development of a nuclear and space programme in an effort to reinforce the country's international position and secure external aid. Pyongyang succeeded in both launching an intercontinental rocket in December 2012 and testing its third nuclear ...

New proposed regulations for European Union (EU) financial instruments for external action are due to apply from 1 January 2014. They are aimed at enabling the EU to reinforce its role in the world and promote its interests and values.

China's two-way "win-win" partnerships with African countries contrast sharply with the traditional asymmetric, one-way donor-recipient relationships between the EU and its African partners.