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Z uwagi na znaczenie lotnictwa dla gospodarki UE i na liczne wyzwania, w których obliczu stoi ten sektor, Komisja Europejska przyjęła w grudniu 2015 r. nową europejską strategię w dziedzinie lotnictwa. Ma ona na celu zwiększenie konkurencyjności lotnictwa, nadanie mu bardziej zrównoważonego charakteru oraz uporanie się z rosnącym natężeniem ruchu i coraz silniejszą konkurencją przy jednoczesnym utrzymaniu wysokich standardów jakości. Podczas drugiego posiedzenia plenarnego w lutym 2017 r. Parlament ...

The European Aviation Safety Agency

W skrócie 17-07-2015

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is one of the EU's decentralised bodies. Based in Cologne, it has specific regulatory and executive tasks in the field of civil aviation safety and environmental protection. The Agency prepares draft rules, provides technical, scientific and administrative support, conducts standardisation inspections and investigations and certifies aviation products. The scope of its competences might be extended in the framework of the revision of its Basic Regulation ...

Over recent decades, the liberalisation of air transport in the EU has brought notable benefits to air passengers, including some lower air fares and a wider choice of airlines and services. At the same time, however, increased numbers of passengers and planes travelling through bigger and more crowded airports, and fragmented air space, increase the risk of problems such as flight delays and cancellations, and lost luggage. The EU has adopted several regulations on air passenger rights, which ...

This is a comprehensive digest of the current EU legislation on aviation security. It reminds notably of the obligations on the parties involved, the monitoring process, or the international aspects. The note also sheds light on the regime which applies to liquids on board, to the testing of body scanners or to the financing of security measures, which all give rise to recurrent significant debate.

This Final Study on 'Civilian and Military Air Traffic Control in the EU' presents, on the one side, a factual assessment of Air Traffic Control (ATC) performance in the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) area and, on the other side, introduces a strong, transparent and independent performance review and target setting system of regulations and technical aspects to facilitate more effective management of the European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system.