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Parlament Europejski jako jedyny parlament na świecie przyznaje nagrodę filmową i od 2007 r. co roku podkreśla znaczenie kina europejskiego. W ciągu ostatnich 15 lat nagroda LUX i nowa Nagroda Publiczności LUX pomogły wypromować ponad 100 filmów, wspierając rozpowszechnianie (współ)produkcji europejskich, aby pokonać bariery językowe i dystrybucyjne, z którymi boryka się europejski przemysł filmowy. Laureaci odnoszą sukcesy w UE i poza nią, dzięki czemu nagroda stała się synonimem wysokiej jakości ...

The only parliament in the world to award a film prize, the European Parliament has been shining a spotlight on European cinema every year since 2007. This year the prize is gearing up to become a European Audience Film Award. Over the past 12 years, the LUX Film Prize has helped promote over 100 films, supporting the dissemination of European (co-)productions in a bid to overcome the language and distribution barriers faced by the European film industry. Prize-winners have gone on to be highly successful ...

With the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, which has caused the shutdown of some 70 000 cinemas in China, nearly 2 500 in the US and over 9 000 in the EU, the joy sparked by the success of the film industry in 2019 has quickly given way to anxiety. Shootings, premieres, spring festivals and entertainment events have faced near-total cancellation or postponement due to the pandemic, thus inflicting an estimated loss of US$5 billion on the global box office; this amount could skyrocket to between ...

Even though the past 50 years have seen a significant advance in women's status in society, their depiction on screen has continued to reflect patriarchal stereotypes. Accordingly, female characters are in general younger than their male counterparts and more likely to be reduced to the role of wife, mother or girlfriend. One way to help guarantee that stories portrayed on the screen are more true to life would be to encourage and support the presence of women in key positions in the film industry ...

Every year since 2007, the European Parliament LUX Film Prize has shone a spotlight on European cinema. Over the past 12 years, the prize has helped promote over 100 films, supporting the dissemination of European (co-)productions in a bid to overcome the language and distribution barriers the European film industry faces. Prize-winners have been very successful in the EU and beyond, making the LUX Prize a synonym for quality film-making. The LUX Film Prize focuses on fundamental EU values, such ...

The fourth European Arthouse Cinema Day will take place on 13 October 2019 in some 700 cinemas all over the world. The idea is to showcase both the cultural diversity of European productions and the total commitment of the Europa Cinemas network to supporting demanding and original programming.

Did you know that, on average, Europeans went to the cinema twice in 2017, and the average ticket price was €7. In 2017, close to one billion cinema tickets were sold, which is the second highest level registered in the EU since 2004. Numbers of cinema-goers reached record levels in Slovakia (+18 %), Lithuania (+11 %), Poland (+9 %), Estonia and Romania (+7 % each). However, European box offices were again dominated by US titles, which accounted for 22 of the top 25 movies. Find out more on European ...

Every year since 2007, the European Parliament LUX Film Prize has been bringing European cinema into the limelight. Over the past 10 years, the prize has helped promote over 100 films, supporting the dissemination of European (co-)productions in a bid to overcome the language and distribution barriers faced by the European film industry. Prize-winners have been very successful in the EU and beyond, thus turning the LUX Prize into a synonym for quality film-making.

Polityka audiowizualna i medialna

Noty tematyczne o UE 01-11-2017

Politykę audiowizualną UE regulują art. 167 i 173 Traktatu o funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej (TFUE). Głównym aktem prawnym dotyczącym tej dziedziny polityki jest dyrektywa o audiowizualnych usługach medialnych, która jest obecnie (2017 r.) poddawana przeglądowi. Najważniejszym instrumentem UE mającym wspierać ten sektor (zwłaszcza branżę filmową) jest podprogram MEDIA, będący częścią programu Kreatywna Europa. W Karcie praw podstawowych Unii Europejskiej wzywa się do poszanowania „wolności i pluralizmu ...

This year Parliament marks the 10th anniversary of one of its best known cultural initiatives – the LUX Film Prize – awarded annually by the institution since 2007. Over the last 10 years, the prize has contributed to the promotion of 100 films, supporting the dissemination of European (co)productions in a bid to overcome the language and distribution barriers faced by the European film industry.