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Under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the EU response to the crisis triggered by the pandemic, Bulgaria was initially allocated €6 267.3 million in grants. In line with the RRF Regulation, on 30 June 2022, the European Commission recalculated the maximum grant amounts for all Member States; this resulted in a just over 9 % cut for Bulgaria, lowering the total to €5 688.8 million. To take this into account, as well as factor in the impact of inflation, Bulgaria submitted a modified national ...

On 11 July 2023, the Council approved Slovakia's amended national recovery and resilience plan (NRRP, Plán obnovy) and allocated €6 408.5 million in grants for its implementation (Slovakia did not request loans). The allocation is €79.4 million higher than that initially approved (6 July 2021). The difference results from a 2022 update of the maximum financial contribution from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), which reflects changes in real gross domestic product (GDP) over time, and the ...

In 2020, the Commission launched a review of the Solvency II Directive, the EU's legal prudential regulatory framework for (re-)insurance companies, which entered into force in 2016. As one output of the review, the Commission made a proposal in September 2021 for a new directive establishing a framework for recovery and resolution of insurance companies – the 'IRRD proposal'. The IRRD proposal would establish harmonised recovery and resolution tools and procedures, with enhanced cross-border cooperation ...

Podczas drugiej sesji lutowej Parlament ma głosować nad wyrażeniem zgody w sprawie pierwszego w historii przeglądu wieloletnich ram finansowych (WRF). Przegląd ten zapewni dodatkowe środki w wysokości 21 mld EUR, w tym 17 mld EUR dla Ukrainy. Parlament wielokrotnie domagał się pilnego przeglądu długoterminowego budżetu UE, aby UE mogła skuteczne sprostać stojącym przed nią wyzwaniom. Porozumienie osiągnięte przez Parlament i Radę zapewnia stabilne średnioterminowe wsparcie finansowe dla Ukrainy i ...

Prompted by the pandemic and the resulting crisis, the EU set up a recovery instrument – Next Generation EU (NGEU) – to help Member States address the downturn. NGEU's main funding tool – the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) – has made available €723 billion in grants and loans to EU Member States for reform and investment in six priority areas, addressing common challenges. Focusing on the RRF's social dimension, this briefing looks at how the facility is helping not only to address the direct ...

Croatia's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) is an ambitious outline of reforms and investment designed to mitigate the pandemic's socioeconomic fallout. Following the December 2023 amendment of the Croatian NRRP, to which a REPowerEU chapter was added, the plan's worth reached €10 040.7 million (or 18.5 % of national gross domestic product (GDP) in 2019), an increase of over 59 % compared with the original (2021) version of the plan, which was worth €6 297 million in grants only. The amended ...

W ujęciu nominalnym Polska jest trzecim co do wielkości beneficjentem Instrumentu na rzecz Odbudowy i Zwiększania Odporności (RRF), po Włoszech i Hiszpanii. Wsparcie UE na realizację uaktualnionego Krajowego Planu Odbudowy i Zwiększania Odporności Polski Krajowy Plan Odbudowy wynosi 59,8 mld EUR i obejmuje 25,3 mld EUR w dotacjach i 34,5 mld EUR w pożyczkach. Kwota ta jest o 24,5 mld EUR (+ 69 %) wyższa od pierwotnie zatwierdzonej kwoty i uwzględnia aktualizację z 2022 r. maksymalnego wkładu finansowego ...

Having failed to agree on the revision of the EU's 2021-2027 budget at the December European Council meeting, Member States will attempt to break the impasse at an extraordinary meeting on 1 February 2024.

The main objective of the special European Council meeting on 1 February 2024 is to finalise EU leaders' position on the revision of the multiannual financial framework (MFF). While the aim is to reach an agreement among all 27 Member States, alternatives could be used based on an agreement of 26 Member States. EU leaders may also use the meeting to raise other topics – notably, the war in Ukraine and the possible use of frozen Russian assets, next steps in the enlargement process, security and defence ...

While supporting countries' recovery, resilience, future crisis preparedness, and improving their growth potential, the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) has a clear role in promoting economic, social and territorial cohesion in the European Union. This role is emphasised by the legal basis used for establishing the Facility – Article 175 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) – the same article that underpins EU cohesion policy measures. One of the RRF's main objectives, or six pillars ...