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This At a glance note summarises the study analysing how the CAP and state aid support farm competitiveness, including the role of young farmers and women. Challenges and drivers of EU farm competitiveness are identified. Key competitiveness indicators are analysed and their limitations are considered. The level of CAP support to competitiveness is assessed, with a comparison of the 2014-2022 and 2023-2027 programming periods. The study illustrates the Member States’ differentiated approaches to ...

Rural tourism

Briefing 08-09-2023

A large share of tourism in the European Union takes place in rural areas. However, not all tourism in rural areas is necessarily considered to constitute rural tourism. Rural tourism, whose origins lie in agritourism and farm stays, is typically built on experiences that are specific to the countryside, often includes physical activities connected with nature, is usually small in scale and involves a large number of small private businesses. It can bring numerous benefits to local communities, in ...

This study provides a comparative assessment of the 28 Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plans of the EU Member States. It assesses the main features of the regulatory framework for the 2023-2027 period including the approval pro-cess of the plans and provides an overview of the financial allocations of the 28 Strategic Plans and the specificities of their implementation. The study provides a first evaluation of the relevance of the Strategic Plans and their contribution to the objectives of the ...

Podczas czerwcowej sesji plenarnej Parlament będzie debatować nad sprawozdaniem Komisji Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi (AGRI) w sprawie zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego i długoterminowej odporności rolnictwa w UE. Parlament zagłosuje również nad zaleceniami politycznymi dotyczącymi bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego na świecie i w UE oraz zwiększenia odporności unijnego rolnictwa.

W czerwcu 2021 r. Komisja Europejska przedstawiła swoją wizję promowania rozwoju obszarów wiejskich UE do 2040 r. Parlament Europejski postanowił sporządzić sprawozdanie z własnej inicjatywy w tej sprawie. Sprawozdanie parlamentarnej Komisji Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi (AGRI) ma zostać poddane pod głosowanie na posiedzeniu plenarnym w grudniu.

The 8th Cohesion Report, published by the European Commission in February 2022, paints a mixed picture of cohesion policy. On the one hand, since the 2008 financial crisis and the contraction of public spending, cohesion policy has played an increasing role in maintaining territorial integrity and public services. On the other hand, many less developed and middle-income regions, especially in the southern and south-western parts of Europe, are stagnating or falling behind. The report highlights that ...

Τhis At a glance note summarises the study on Governance: the reform process of the CAP post-2020 seen from an inter-institutional angle that examines the inter-institutional dynamics of the post-2020 CAP reform (Council - European Parliament - Commission), provides an analysis of the dynamics and the outcome of the reform process seen from a governance angle and makes recommendations on the role of Parliament in future CAP reforms and mid-term reviews.

This briefing follows up on the commitments made by the commissioner in 2019.

Most of the world's farmers are engaged in small scale agriculture. The majority of them are in developing countries but there are many in developed countries as well. Small farms make up the vast majority of the EU's 10 million farms. What constitutes a small farm depends on the context. However, improving the conditions of small-scale food producers is a global objective. Recent studies have lowered past estimates of how much of the global food supply is produced by small farms. Notwithstanding ...

W tym roku przypada 60. rocznica wspólnej polityki rolnej UE (WPR). Jest to też znaczący punkt zwrotny w sposobie jej funkcjonowania, ponieważ od 2023 r. wejdzie w życie nowy model jej realizacji. Poniższa oś czasu przedstawia najważniejsze wydarzenia w zakresie prawodawstwa i polityki, które kształtowały WPR przez ostatnie sześć dekad.