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The capital markets union (CMU) is an EU political project aimed at 'de-fragmenting' the markets for corporate financing. The primary objective is to ensure that firms with comparable characteristics obtain comparable financing conditions – especially as regards costs and volumes – regardless of the Member State in which they are located. The objective to de-fragment capital markets is influenced by the context of European monetary union and the single market for goods and services; fragmented financial ...

On 14 September 2022, the Commission proposed a regulation to ban products made using forced labour, including child labour, on the European Union (EU) internal market. The proposal covers all products made available on the EU market, whether made in the EU for domestic consumption and for export, or imported. It covers products of any type, including their components, from all sectors and industries. EU Member States would be in charge of enforcing its provisions, and their national authorities ...

W kwietniu 2023 r. Komisja Europejska przyjęła wnioski regulacyjne wprowadzające jednolite dodatkowe świadectwo ochronne (SPC) oraz scentralizowaną procedurę oceny SPC dla produktów leczniczych. W niniejszym badaniu przeanalizowano potencjalny wpływ tych wniosków na dostęp do leków, obciążenie administracyjne dla wnioskodawców i koszty dla krajowych systemów opieki zdrowotnej. Niniejszy dokument został przygotowany przez Departament Tematyczny ds. Praw Obywatelskich i Spraw Konstytucyjnych na zlecenie ...

The European Union (EU) is committed to the elimination of forced labour, a denial of rights of which there are 28 million victims globally. In September 2022, the European Commission proposed a Regulation to ban all products made by forced labour from the EU market (COM (2022) 453). This proposal has been criticised for failing to facilitate remedies for forced labour victims, in line with EU and global standards such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This Briefing ...

Implementation of EU customs legislation with regard to areas such as risk management and impact management measures differs across Member States. National systems also diverge in the extent to which they have been updated in line with the UCC. Furthermore, significant differences in sanctions regimes create barriers to trade and distortions in the Single Market. This study makes recommendations to Member States and the EU to address some of the weaknesses of the current customs controls and sanctions ...

The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

This study investigates the role of financial actors, such as banks and investors, in the EU Emissions Trading System and their role in determining price dynamics and volatility. It concludes that activities on the market should be further monitored and data availability and quality improved. While further regulation of market participants may become necessary in the future, it is, at this stage, more important to focus on improving the Market Stability Reserve (MSR).

W listopadzie 2021 r. Komisja przedstawiła wniosek dotyczący przeciwdziałania wylesianiu i degradacji lasów w związku z konkretnymi towarami i produktami wprowadzanymi na rynki UE lub z nich wywożonymi. Podczas sesji wrześniowej Parlament będzie głosował nad odnośnym sprawozdaniem przyjętym przez Komisję Ochrony Środowiska Naturalnego, Zdrowia Publicznego i Bezpieczeństwa Żywności (ENVI). Jeżeli sprawozdanie zostanie przyjęte, będzie następnie podstawą stanowiska Parlamentu w negocjacjach trójstronnych ...

On 21 September 2021, the Commission published its proposal for a new EU scheme of generalised preferences (GSP). Two of the current scheme's three components are due to expire at the end of 2023, which would deprive developing countries of a vital opportunity to trade under preferential terms with the EU. Therefore, renewing the scheme appears to be both a necessity and an opportunity to strengthen its conditionality in the light of lessons learned and the increased urgency for dealing with the ...

This study looks at the European Commission’s proposal for a new GSP Regulation from human rights and sustainable development perspectives. It focuses on proposed changes to the conditionality provisions with their linked monitoring and dialogue processes that aim to promote human rights, sustainable development and good governance in the beneficiary countries. The Commission’s proposal is not revolutionary as it foresees retention of the three existing arrangements (Standard GSP, GSP+ and EBA). ...