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6 listopada 2023 r. Parlament i Rada osiągnęły wstępne porozumienie polityczne w sprawie projektu rozporządzenia o przejrzystości i targetowaniu reklamy politycznej. Parlament ma głosować nad tekstem w pierwszym czytaniu podczas drugiej lutowej sesji plenarnej. Rada ma następnie zakończyć procedurę ustawodawczą w pierwszym czytaniu. Po formalnym przyjęciu nowe przepisy zaczną obowiązywać 18 miesięcy po ich wejściu w życie. Przepisy dotyczące niedyskryminującego świadczenia transgranicznej reklamy ...

This briefing considers where electoral conditionality could be included in European Union (EU) relations with third countries and offers three viable options, namely as part of: direct budget support; General Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP+); and the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument-Global Europe (NDICI-GE). In all three cases, not only would electoral conditionality incentivise partner countries to adhere to electoral recommendations, but also encourage them ...

An electoral threshold for the allocation of seats is the minimum percentage of votes that a political party or a coalition is required to collect in order to gain a seat in the legislative assembly. Thresholds are said to enable a better balance between governability and representativeness, by favouring the formation of stable majorities and avoiding excessive fragmentation of the legislative assembly. Thresholds are sometimes imposed by law, but in the absence of an explicit legal requirement, ...

As part of its 'New Push for European Democracy', the European Commission has proposed a revision of Regulation No 1141/2014 on the statute and funding of the European political parties and European political foundations. The European Parliament (EP) is currently discussing the Commission proposal, with the Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) Committee having appointed Rainer Wieland (EPP, Germany) and Charles Goerens (Renew, Luxembourg) as co-rapporteurs. This activity surrounding the governance of European ...

The role of the European political parties, often under-estimated in the past, has increased significantly over the years. Today, they are important coordinators within the EU political system, carrying out a variety of activities that can be classified conceptually as ‘vertical’, ‘horizontal’ and ‘diagonal’ coordination. This EPRS study explores the growing 'politicisation' of the European Council and the increased coordination role which European political parties appear to play in the context ...

Although countries in sub-Saharan Africa started opening up to democracy three decades ago, the region is still characterised by a high heterogeneity of political regimes. Fragile democracies often endure numerous challenges and shortcomings, and share their borders with some of the world's least democratic regimes. Virtually non-existent in 1990, multi-party elections are the norm today, yet they still only rarely lead to power changes. The recent trends of democratic recession have not left sub-Saharan ...

Since his election in 2015, Argentina's centre-right President, Mauricio Macri, has pursued sweeping domestic and foreign policy reforms, although his 'Let's Change' (Cambiemos) coalition of centre-right and centre-left parties holds only a minority of seats in the bicameral Congress. His presidency has marked a major shift from left-wing populism under his predecessors, Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007) and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2007-2015), to economic neoliberalism. The mid-term vote on 22 ...

On 11 July 2016, Montenegro's President Filip Vujanović announced that the next parliamentary elections would be held on 16 October. They would be the tenth such elections since the introduction of the multiparty system in Montenegro and the fourth since the country regained independence in 2006. Unlike the 2012 elections, those of 2016 will be held in a polarised political context following a series of events that have shaken up the political dynamics since late 2015. For the first time in almost ...

The Turkmen government has introduced various reforms since 2008 and has expressed an interest in closer cooperation with the EU. Yet, the May 2016 debate in the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) on the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) with Turkmenistan highlighted Parliament's dissatisfaction with the reforms. On the grounds of severe human rights concerns, AFET suspended its approval of the PCA until the country makes satisfactory progress.

Tunisia: Democracy in transition

W skrócie 13-06-2016

Tunisia has taken key steps toward democracy since its Jasmine Revolution, and has so far avoided the violent chaos and/or return to authoritarian government seen in other Arab Spring countries. Tunisians adopted a new constitution in January 2014 and held national elections between October and December 2014, marking the completion of a four-year transition period.