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Although waste management in the EU has improved considerably in recent decades, over a quarter of municipal waste is still landfilled and less than half is recycled or composted, with wide variations between Member States. Improving waste manage¬ment could deliver positive effects for the environment, climate, human health and the economy. As part of a shift towards a circular economy, the European Commission made four legislative proposals introducing new waste-management targets regarding reuse ...

Although waste management in the EU has improved considerably in recent decades, over a quarter of municipal waste is still landfilled and less than half is recycled or composted, with wide variations between Member States. Improving waste manage¬ment could deliver positive effects for the environment, climate, human health and the economy. As part of a shift towards a circular economy, the European Commission made four legislative proposals introducing new waste-management targets regarding reuse ...

Although waste management in the EU has improved considerably in recent decades, over a quarter of municipal waste is still landfilled and less than half is recycled or composted, with wide variations between Member States. Improving waste management could deliver positive effects for the environment, climate, human health and the economy. As part of a shift towards a circular economy, the European Commission made four legislative proposals introducing new waste-management targets regarding reuse ...

Usługi turystyczne tradycyjnie świadczone są przez przedsiębiorstwa takie jak hotele, przewoźnicy taksówkowi czy organizatorzy turystyki. Od niedawna coraz większa liczba osób prywatnych oferuje turystom możliwość czasowego współdzielenia posiadanych dóbr (np. domu czy samochodu) lub wykonywanych czynności (np. sporządzanie posiłków lub odbywanie wycieczek). Ten rodzaj współdzielenia otrzymał nazwę „gospodarki dzielenia się”. Nie jest to model ograniczony wyłącznie do turystyki i można go zaobserwować ...