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Under the farm to fork strategy, part of the European Green Deal, the EU has set itself a double target: a 50 % reduction in the overall use of and risk from chemical plant protection products, and a 50 % reduction in the use of more hazardous ones by 2030. The proposal for a regulation tabled by the European Commission on 22 June 2022, which would replace the 2009 sustainable use directive, would require Member States to contribute collectively to achieving these EU-wide targets through the adoption ...

W latach 2019–2021 pod europejską inicjatywą obywatelską (EIO) „Ratujmy pszczoły i rolników!” zebrano ponad milion podpisów. W ramach inicjatywy wzywa się do ograniczenia stosowania pestycydów, a następnie do ich całkowitego wycofania do 2035 r. Komisja Europejska z zadowoleniem przyjęła tę inicjatywę. Wysłuchanie w tej sprawie odbyło się w styczniu 2023 r. Teraz Parlament Europejski omówi tę kwestię podczas pierwszej marcowej sesji plenarnej.

The impact assessment (IA) examines the nature and scale of the problem. It substantiates the findings with references to: the evaluation of current rules, which was carried out in parallel with the IA; further analysis by the European Commission; publicly available studies; and stakeholder input. The problems and problem drivers are discussed in detail, and the IA analyses how the problems would evolve without further action. However, information about the evolution of the problem appears to focus ...

Pesticides and their use are regulated at EU level. Directive 2009/128/EC ('SUD') of the European Parliament and the Council establishes a framework to achieve sustainable use of pesticides that are plant protection products, by reducing the risks and impact of pesticide use on human health and the environment, and promoting the use of integrated pest management and of alternative approaches or techniques such as non-chemical alternatives to pesticides. A recent ex-post evaluation by the European ...

Parlament wykorzysta swoje uprawnienia nadzorcze podczas „tury pytań” wyznaczonej na lipcową sesję plenarną, aby zapytać Komisję o poziom ambicji UE przed 15. posiedzeniem Konferencji Stron (COP 15) Konwencji Narodów Zjednoczonych o różnorodności biologicznej, która jest głównym międzynarodowym instrumentem ochrony różnorodności biologicznej. 22 czerwca 2022 r. Komisja Europejska przedstawiła dwa główne wnioski ustawodawcze w ramach unijnej strategii na rzecz bioróżnorodności 2030: unijne przepisy ...

The European Parliament has a range of supervisory and control powers, allowing it to exercise oversight over other European Union institutions. To strengthen this oversight, Parliament has revived the practice of holding 'question time' with the European Commission and the High Representative during plenary sessions. For the June I session, questions to the Commission will concern pesticide use and consumer protection.

Existing, new and emerging crop protection practices, including mechanical techniques, precision agriculture, biocontrol, plant breeding, induced crop resistance, application of ecological principles to increase biodiversity and use of 'green' plant protection products, could help to reduce the use of conventional plant protection products and were described in an earlier STOA study. This new study provides cost estimates for various alternative crop protection practice options in the EU

This study provides a broad perspective on the main trends regarding the use of pesticides in developing countries and their impacts on human health and food security. Information is provided on the challenges of controlling these hazardous substances, along with the extent to which pesticides banned within the European Union (EU) are exported to third countries. The analysis assesses the factors behind the continuation of these exports, along with the rising demand for better controls. Recommendations ...

The aim of this briefing is to give an overview of positions the European Parliament has taken over the last twenty years that are relevant to the Farm to Fork strategy, the component of the European Green Deal that aims for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system. Despite it being a new strategy, most of its 27 actions are connected to already existing legislation and as such, Parliament has previously given its opinion on the subjects covered by the strategy. This briefing presents ...

Active substances are an essential element of pesticides. The approval of active substance occurs at EU level, and guidance documents and guidelines for this procedure exist. They aim to clarify, harmonise and standardise the complex approval process. This study examines the guidance and guidelines which exist for active substance approval; the level of harmonisation among them; the connection to the good laboratory practice (GLP) principles; and provides an overview of the studies which are required ...