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Enhanced and more focused cooperation between the European Union (EU) and member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has become a priority for the EU, with a view to jointly addressing a series of global and regional challenges. Building on strong ties established over decades of a close trading and investment relationship, the EU is now seeking to put relations on a more secure footing, with new impetus and a much broader scope. A joint communication on a strategic partnership with the ...

Following the EU-India summit in May 2021, talks on both an EU-India trade and an investment agreement have resumed. This analysis provides background on where EU-India economic relations stand and why it is important to maintain momentum following this breakthrough, despite a somewhat unpromising domestic political environment in India. This new impetus largely reflects a transformed geopolitical landscape since the last round of EU-India talks were abandoned in 2013. The increased tension between ...

The proposed 'omnibus regulation' to amend EU financial rules represents the first occasion that changes to the basic regulations of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) have been formally proposed since the 2013 reform. These changes represent policy choices involving a fine-tuning and simplification of the CAP. Parliament is due to vote on the proposal during the December plenary session.

Działania zewnętrzne UE mają silny wpływ na WPR. Poszczególne etapy rozszerzenia oraz polityka handlowa faworyzująca kraje sąsiadujące zarówno na wschodzie, jak i na południu, jak również byłe kolonie, odcisnęły swoje piętno. Największy wpływ mają jednak naciski wewnętrzne za pośrednictwem GATT/WTO. Obecne naciski wynikają z nowej generacji umów o wolnym handlu, potrzeby ograniczenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych z rolnictwa oraz wymaganej odpowiedzi na Brexit.

Competition in the food retail sector is of high importance for European citizens in their daily life. Competition rules are enforced jointly by the European Commission but in practice also to a great deal by the national competition authorities. This workshop aims to give an overview on the current state of play, specific trends or developments and most imminent challenges. It will look i.a. at the following questions: Is competition working effectively? How does the market structure look like? ...

This is the reference document of the Workshop on the "Effects of the structural changes on EU farming: How to better support the European model of agriculture of the 21st century with the CAP" of 14th March 2016, organised by the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (COMAGRI) and the Policy Department B (AGRI Research) of the European Parliament .It is structured in three parts: 1. Farm structural change in Western Europe and the CAP. 2. Farm structural change in Central and Eastern ...

Unfair trade practices (UTPs) are practices imposed by a stronger party in a contractual relationship that grossly deviate from good commercial conduct and are contrary to good faith and fair dealing. UTPs are present at a national level, but they can also exert a negative impact on developing trade among Member States, which in turn may hinder the development of the internal market.

The US Senate and the House Agricultural Committee have adopted their versions of the next Farm Bill but there is no agreement on a common text. Both proposals reinforce the protection of farmers against adverse conditions. They may result in very large payments for taxpayers in particular years and could lead to WTO challenges. The US decision process is heavily influenced by vested interests, which explains the persistence of costly policies such as the inefficient insurance subsidies. Congress ...

Standards for food safety, animal and plant health in Brazil, New Zealand and the USA are similar to those in the EU. Ukraine is in transition towards comparable standards. These topics are already incorporated in the framework of trade agreements. Standards for the environment, animal welfare and labour conditions are lower than in the EU or lacking in these countries. These topics are not or only marginally incorporated in the framework of trade agreements.

Indicators of real support make it possible to compare policies across countries. EU farmers are more supported than their US colleagues, but EU support generates little distortion on world markets. US and Canada adjust support to protect farmers from adverse situations. Like the growing levels of support in Russia and China, these policies generate market distortions. Swiss support is directed towards the provision of public goods. In some countries such as Brazil, agricultural support targets innovation ...