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Podczas lipcowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski ma zająć stanowisko w sprawie wniosku Komisji Europejskiej ustanawiającego prawny obowiązek odbudowy zdegradowanych ekosystemów w całej UE, aby zapewnić długoterminowe świadczenie podstawowych usług na rzecz dobrostanu ludzi oraz wesprzeć łagodzenie zmiany klimatu i przystosowanie się do niej. Podczas głosowania w odpowiedzialnej za to dossier Komisji Ochrony Środowiska Naturalnego, Zdrowia Publicznego i Bezpieczeństwa Żywności (ENVI) nie uzyskano ...

Council Directive 92/43/EEC (the Habitats Directive) was adopted in 1992 with the aim of protecting over a thousand animal species and preventing 230 habitat types from disappearing. Human activities in recent decades have caused large carnivore numbers to decline significantly, with complete disappearance in some areas. The recovery and return of these carnivores was one of the targets of the EU Habitats Directive; but this objective has not been without controversy, especially where economic activities ...

On 22 December 2014, the controversial construction of a shipping route across Nicaragua to connect the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean was officially launched. With an estimated cost of US$40 to US$50 billion, the Nicaragua inter-ocean canal project could be the biggest-ever infrastructure investment in Latin America's history. The canal will be built by the Hong Kong Nicaragua Canal Development Group (HKND) and is scheduled to be operational by 2020. Opposition to the future waterway is mounting ...

The EU and tourism

W skrócie 13-12-2013

Tourism is an important sector in the EU economy, providing an estimated 12-14 million jobs and accounting for over 5% of EU GDP. Collectively, EU Member States attract more tourists every year than any other part of the world. This InfoGraphic looks at the EU and tourism, providing in a graphical way various key data for the industry, including numbers of tourists, top EU destinations and breakdowns for the modes of transport and types of accommodation which are used.

This report examines a proposal to establish a network of ‘fish stock recovery areas’ to cover 10-20% of territorial seas of EU Member States. Such protected areas in Europe and elsewhere have produced rapid and long-lasting recovery of many commercially important species. They have also benefited surrounding fisheries through spillover and export of offspring from protected stocks. Fish stock recovery areas could make a major contribution to improving the status and productivity of fisheries, as ...