
Wyniki wyszukiwania

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Manufacturing and trade in firearms for civilian purposes employs around 150 000 people in the EU. In 2020, the Commission adopted a 2020-2025 action plan on firearms trafficking to help curb the illegal flows of firearms, and ammunition, while also strengthening the legal market. The adoption of Directive (EU) 2021/555 on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons in 2021was the first legislative outcome of the plan. In October 2022, the Commission presented a proposal for a regulation ...

Certain goods and technologies have legitimate civilian applications but can also be used for military purposes; so-called 'dual-use' goods are subject to the European Union's export control regime. The regime has just been revised, mainly to take account of significant technological developments, increase transparency and create a more level playing field among EU Member States. The proposed regulation will recast the regulation in force since 2009. Among other elements, the proposal explicitly ...

Niektóre towary i technologie mają zgodne z prawem zastosowania cywilne, ale mogą być również wykorzystywane do celów wojskowych; określane jako produkty podwójnego zastosowania podlegają unijnemu systemowi kontroli wywozu. System ten jest obecnie poddawany przeglądowi, głównie w celu uwzględnienia istotnych zmian technologicznych, zwiększenia przejrzystości i stworzenia bardziej wyrównanych warunków działania dla państw członkowskich UE. Wniosek wprowadziłby nowe ograniczenia w eksporcie produktów ...

The IA is well structured, clear and compact. Overall, it appears to provide well-researched explanation of the evidence base of the legislative proposal. The problem definition is illustrated by facts and figures which give a clear view of international security threats. The outcome of the stakeholder consultation is clearly presented and has been integrated into the analysis and the assessment of the different options, with a transparent presentation of stakeholders' views throughout. Nevertheless ...

The system of export controls requires its Member States to comply with general international obligations to counter the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, and other items with potential military use. The same obligation is also applicable to ‘dual-use items’, i.e. items which can be used for civil and military purposes. The existing export control system of dual-use items requires an export authorisation if a dual-use item is exported from the EU to a non-EU country. Without ...

The EU Trademark reform package

Briefing 14-12-2015

The Commission, the Council and the European Parliament (EP) have reached a second-reading agreement on the trademark reform package. Following the Legal Affairs Committee reports adopted on 3 December 2015, the EP plenary is set to approve the amended legislation and the renaming of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) as 'European Union Intellectual Property Office'. In March 2013, the Commission presented a package of proposals for amending the Trademark Regulation and ...

Komisja, Rada i Parlament Europejski (PE) osiągnęły porozumienie w drugim czytaniu w sprawie pakietu reform znaku towarowego. Rada przyjęła znaczną liczbę poprawek zgłoszonych przez PE. W następstwie sprawozdań Komisji Prawnej przyjętych dnia 3 grudnia 2015 r. zgromadzenie plenarne PE ma zatwierdzić zmienione przepisy i zmianę nazwy „Urzędu Harmonizacji Rynku Wewnętrznego” na „Urząd Unii Europejskiej ds. Ochrony Własności Intelektualnej”.