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Publiczne służby zatrudnienia to główne agencje realizujące politykę zatrudnienia ułatwiającą integrację osób poszukujących pracy na rynku pracy. Komisja Europejska zaproponowała rozszerzenie i ulepszenie europejskiej sieci takich usług, między innymi poprzez współpracę z innymi zainteresowanymi stronami na rynku pracy oraz dostosowanie do wyzwań związanych z cyfryzacją, rozwojem technologicznym w świecie pracy i zmianami demograficznymi. Parlament Europejski ma głosować w pierwszym czytaniu podczas ...

Swobodny przepływ pracowników

Noty tematyczne o UE 01-06-2017

Jedną z czterech swobód, z których korzystają obywatele UE, jest swobodny przepływ pracowników. Obejmuje on prawo pracowników do przemieszczania się i pobytu, prawo wjazdu i pobytu członków rodziny oraz prawo do podejmowania pracy w innym państwie członkowskim UE i bycia traktowanym na równi z obywatelami tego państwa członkowskiego. W niektórych państwach wprowadzono ograniczenia w stosunku do obywateli pochodzących z nowych państw członkowskich. Przepisy dotyczące dostępu do świadczeń społecznych ...

Young people in Europe are eager to move on, to work and to participate, but more than 4 million of them are in a precarious position. How can we reduce youth unemployment to close to zero within 10 years? Has Europe taken decisive action for a real crackdown? This note has been prepared for the European Youth Event, taking place in Strasbourg in May 2016. Please click here for the full publication in PDF format

After more than 20 years in place, the cooperation network for labour mobility – EURES – shows some shortcomings, such as a lack of transparency in labour markets, a constrained matching potential due to technical reasons, and limited support services, information exchange and cooperation. The European Commission has made a proposal to remedy these deficiencies, and the February plenary is due to vote on an agreement reached in trilogue on the proposal.

Skills mismatch (the discrepancy between workers' skills and labour market needs) is not only a problem encountered by jobseekers; it also affects employees working in positions below their levels of qualification or outside their fields of study, and concerns some groups of older workers that face difficulties in keeping their skills up to date. According to studies, various solutions include adapting education and training more closely to labour market needs; providing flexible arrangements ...

Green jobs on the labour market

W skrócie 29-06-2015

'Greening' of jobs and creating 'green jobs' are considered to have significant potential to boost the labour market, as this can help achieve sustainable development and economic goals, and create decent work. They are thus among the priorities of the EU's Agenda for new skills and jobs, within the Europe 2020 strategy.

In 2014, 3.1 per cent (around 8.1 million) of the European labour force was economically active in another Member State. In Annex I to its annual Work Program 2015 (CWP 2015), the European Commission announced that in order to enhance a deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base it will submit the Labour Mobility package. While aiming at supporting labour mobility, this package tackles three substantial issues: 1) A better coordination of social security systems, 2) ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying the Commission's proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a European Network of Employment Services, workers’ access to mobility services and the further integration of labour markets (COM (2014) 6 final), submitted on 17 January 2014. It does not attempt to deal with the substance of the proposals and is drafted for informational ...

Since the beginning of the financial and economic crisis, high rates of unemployment have been one of the most pressing problems of Member States in the European Union (EU). By matching job-seekers with employment opportunities, including vacancies in other Member States, public employment services (PES) can help to reduce unemployment, increase intra-EU mobility of workers and combat social exclusion. They can contribute to reaching the Europe 2020 employment target and to implementation of the ...