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The EU is an important market for illicit drugs (hereinafter referred to as drugs), both in terms of consumption and production. An estimated 29 % of European adults aged 15-65 have used drugs at least once in their lifetime, the majority of them being men. Cannabis remains by far the most used drug, followed by cocaine, MDMA (ecstasy or molly) and amphetamines. Drugs have been claiming an increasing number of lives in the EU since 2012, but their impact goes far beyond the harm caused by their use ...

Every 26 June, the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking seeks to raise awareness of the problems, challenges and nefarious effects of illicit drugs (hereinafter referred to as drugs) on individuals and on society as whole. Drugs are an increasingly complex security, social and health problem that affects millions of people in the European Union (EU) and globally. The drug market generates huge profits for organised crime, and is estimated to be the source of approximately ...

Cannabis is by far the most commonly used illicit drug (referred to as drug in this briefing) in the European Union (EU), where its distribution, cultivation, possession and use (consumption) are largely prohibited. The prohibition of drug-related activities other than those performed for medical or scientific purposes is the defining feature of the international drug control system. Set up by the United Nations (UN), this system is composed of three complementary conventions, to which all EU Member ...

W styczniu 2022 r. Komisja Europejska zaproponowała wzmocnienie mandatu Europejskiego Centrum Monitorowania Narkotyków i Narkomanii (EMCDDA), aby umożliwić agencji skuteczne reagowanie na nowe wyzwania, lepsze wspieranie państw członkowskich i przyczynianie się do rozwoju sytuacji na szczeblu międzynarodowym. Podczas sesji plenarnej w czerwcu 2023 r. Parlament ma głosować nad wstępnym tekstem porozumienia wynegocjowanym między instytucjami.

These proceedings summarise the presentations and discussions before the European Parliament’s Health Working Group as part of the workshop on ‘Novel tobacco products and their effects on health’, held on 30 November 2022. The four presentations touched, inter alia, upon the current state of research on health effects, their role in harm reduction and regulatory recommendations. These workshop proceedings were provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies ...

The Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee decided to send a delegation to The Hague on 23-25 May 2022 to find out what is being done to prevent and combat human trafficking. This Briefing written by the Policy Department C describes the actions undertaken by the National Government, the Judiciary, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European agencies and the United Nations. It provides also experts' opinions.

Mniej więcej pięć lat po zawarciu porozumienia pokojowego między rządem Kolumbii a Rewolucyjnymi Siłami Zbrojnymi Kolumbii (FARC) sytuacja polityczna, gospodarcza, zdrowotna i ogólna w tym kraju pozostaje niestabilna, z podzielonym społeczeństwem, konfliktami podsycanymi przez narkotyki i słabymi rządami. 2022 będzie kluczowym rokiem wyborczym, a ożywienie gospodarcze po pandemii koronawirusa pozostaje wyzwaniem. Prezydent Kolumbii Iván Duque Márquez wygłosi przemówienie w Parlamencie Europejskim ...

What if digital technology could assist drug addiction recovery by online counselling, monitoring behaviour, and real-time interventions in patients’ everyday lives? Assistance at a distance: how could clinicians, health personnel, friends and family support a patient suffering from drug addiction via digital technology?

Drug disorders are complex social and health problems that affect millions of people in the EU. In the last two decades, we have witnessed an extraordinary growth in computer and mobile technologies available to the general public. Researchers in the field of drug addiction have started to exploit the growth of the internet and new technologies, and an increasing number of interventions designed to promote changes in substance use disorders are now available. The study includes an extensive critical ...

Human rights in the Philippines

W skrócie 17-01-2017

Since mid-2016, President Rodrigo Duterte's controversial war on drugs has triggered a wave of extrajudicial killings. The current violence reflects longer-term problems, such as high crime rates and a dysfunctional justice system. However, there are still many areas, such as freedom of expression and gender equality, where the Philippines does better than most other Asian countries.