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Since 2021, the European Commission has been planning to make proposals to revise the core building blocks of the EU maritime safety legislation, such as the Directives on Port State Control and Flag State Control, the Directive on Accident Investigations and the Regulation Founding the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). This implementation appraisal starts with a recap on the existing EU port state control policy and legislation and then reviews and summarises existing evaluations and discussions ...

Wspólna polityka rybołówstwa (WPRyb) przewiduje szczególny system dostępu do wód w odległości do 12 mil od linii brzegowych państw członkowskich w celu wspierania tradycyjnej działalności połowowej. Ten system dostępu, który wygasa z końcem 2022 r., znajduje się w porządku obrad drugiej sesji listopadowej, podczas której Parlament ma głosować nad wstępnym porozumieniem przedłużającym stosowanie tego systemu o 10 lat.

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is widely recognised as a significant environmental, economic and social problem. It represents a major threat to marine ecosystems, a disruption for the seafood market, and an unfair disadvantage for responsible fishermen. Combatting IUU fishing has become a key means for achieving sustainable management of global fisheries. While the root cause of IUU fishing is states' failure to discipline vessels operating under their flag, tackling this phenomenon ...

The IUU Regulation (1005/2008) is the core of the EU’s legal framework for action against global IUU fishing. Its primary objective is to prevent, deter and eliminate the trade of IUU-caught products into the EU. One of its key components is a multiple-step procedure for dealing with non-EU countries considered uncooperative in the fight against IUU fishing. Sixth edition. This infographic further updates an earlier one, the previous edition of which was in March 2021. For more information on IUU ...

This At-a-glance note is the second in a series of three, prepared for a PECH Committee Workshop. It provides a global overview of the latest developments, as well as potential benefits and risks of Electronic Monitoring (EM). Worldwide experiences with EM are discussed in light of the European context. During the period 2008 to 2019, altogether 26 EM trials were conducted within the EU. Despite promising results, none of the trials evolved into a fully integrated EM programme. Still, lessons learnt ...

This study is the third research paper in a series of three, prepared for a PECH Committee Workshop. It examines and presents possibilities of electronic technologies (ET) that can be used to report, document and monitor fishery activities of the small-scale vessel fleet. The national fishing fleets in the EU are large where most of the vessels are less than 12 metres in length. The information on this fleet segment’s fishing activities is limited and insufficient for documentation of the fleet’s ...

Kontrola rybołówstwa ma na celu zapewnienie zgodności ze wspólną polityką rybołówstwa (WPRyb), a zatem jest kluczowym warunkiem jej powodzenia. Obecnie trwa przegląd unijnego systemu kontroli, a wniosek Komisji Europejskiej ma na celu modernizację monitorowania działalności połowowej, poprawę egzekwowania przepisów oraz aktualizację zasad zgodnie z ostatnią reformą WPRyb. Głosowanie Parlamentu nad tymi zmianami zaplanowano na pierwszą sesję marcową.

Statki rybackie UE od dawna prowadzą działalność na wodach Demokratycznej Republiki Wysp Świętego Tomasza i Książęcej w ramach dwustronnej umowy UE w sprawie rybołówstwa. Oczekuje się, że zawarcie nowego protokołu wykonawczego do tej umowy będzie przedmiotem głosowania w Parlamencie podczas czerwcowej sesji plenarnej. Protokół przewiduje prawa dostępu floty UE do połowów tuńczyka na wodach Demokratycznej Republiki Wysp Świętego Tomasza i Książęcej. Ponadto ma on na celu jest promowanie zrównoważonej ...

Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia on the eastern Indochina Peninsula, with a population just over 93.6 million, it is the eighth-most-populous Asian country. There are four main fishing areas in Vietnam: the Gulf of Tonkin, shared with China; the Central area; the South-eastern area; and the South-western area (part of the Gulf of Thailand), shared with Cambodia and Thailand. According to the 2016 report of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Vietnam is the third ...

The Commission is proposing a revision of the Fisheries Control System to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency by adapting it to the prevailing legal situation and to current technological possibilities in the field of fisheries control. This initial appraisal of the Commission’s impact assessment accompanying the proposal views the impact assessment as a well-balanced, comprehensive and transparent analysis based on sound data and research which makes a persuasive case for the proposal.