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This At a glance note summarises the study providing an assessment of the foreseeable demand and supply of rolling stock up to the year 2030 and highlightING the obstacles to the provision of rolling stock, which may potentially hinder the attainment of EU goals in rail transport. The study provides the basis to consider whether or not there is a necessity to incentivise rolling stock supply within the EU (including imports and/or domestic production) and provides policy recommendations relevant ...

Na grudniową sesję plenarną Parlament Europejski zaplanował głosowanie w drugim czytaniu, które ma zatwierdzić ustalenia z rozmów trójstronnych w sprawie pakietu wniosków dotyczących dalszej liberalizacji rynków kolejowych i poprawy zarządzania rynkami kolejowymi. Wnioski te tworzą „filar rynkowy” czwartego pakietu kolejowego, przedstawionego przez Komisję Europejską w styczniu 2013 r. Po przyjęciu w dniu 28 kwietnia 2016 r. „filaru technicznego”, który dotyczy bezpieczeństwa kolejowego i zgodności ...

The European Union has set out rights to give rail passengers a minimum harmonised level of protection, assistance and services. These rights also aim to facilitate mobility and encourage the use of public transport. An assessment of EU rail passenger rights is relevant today, in view of the planned plenary vote on the market pillar of the fourth railway package in December. When implemented, this package should accelerate competition and lead to increased efforts from rail companies and Member States ...

The EU is faced with major societal issues such as rising transport demand, traffic and road congestion, security of energy supply and cutting CO2 emissions. Greater reliance on rail transport and improvements to the sector's competitiveness and resource-efficiency could help tackle these problems. To this end, a new EU initiative for a public-private partnership, the 'Shift to Rail Joint Undertaking' (S2R JU), was established in 2014 under the Horizon 2020 programme, in order to boost and coordinate ...

Proceedings of the Workshop on "Towards a Free Trade Agreement with Japan ?" held on 19 September 2012 in Brussels.

Revision of the EU regulatory framework under the objective of better regulation and simplification. Implications to the proposed directive on safety of the community's railways and regulation of the European Railway Agency.