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This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions (PETI), examines the progress made on mutual recognition of disability status, and the challenges this presents. There are different definitions and practices of disability assessment, among the Member States and in different policy fields. Citizens’ petitions raise concerns about this, and about the need for mutual recognition. Harmonising ...

Rozporządzenie (WE) nr 1371/2007 reguluje w UE prawa i obowiązki pasażerów w ruchu kolejowym oraz przewiduje zharmonizowane informacje, pomoc i odszkodowania dla wszystkich pasażerów. We wrześniu 2017 r. Komisja Europejska przyjęła nowy wniosek mający na celu osiągnięcie większej równowagi między wzmocnieniem praw pasażerów a zmniejszeniem obciążeń dla przedsiębiorstw kolejowych. Oczekuje się, że podczas kwietniowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski przeprowadzi głosowanie w drugim czytaniu w ...

Books and book lovers in the EU

W skrócie 21-04-2021

At a time when many schools, libraries and bookshops around the world remain closed and people are spending more time at home, books can do wonders in combating isolation, while stimulating readers' minds and creativity. Every year since 1995, on 23 April, World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated all over the world. Launched by UNESCO, the event is an opportunity to celebrate the importance of reading and promote a lifelong interest in books.

European Accessibility Act

Briefing 15-07-2019

To ensure the full participation of people with disabilities in society, and to reduce the fragmentation of legislation governing access to products and services, the European Commission has adopted a proposal for a directive – often referred to as the European Accessibility Act. This proposal, published on 2 December 2015, provides for a common EU definition of, and implementation framework for, accessibility requirements for certain products and services. It also aims to use the same accessibility ...

Sign languages in the EU

W skrócie 21-09-2018

European Languages Day on 26 September is devoted to the variety of languages spoken by EU citizens. However, not all people can speak, or hear others speaking. Some use sign languages, which policy-makers consider in the context of the rights of people with disabilities, or as a linguistic minority right. To raise awareness, the United Nations launched the International Day of Sign Languages on 23 September 2018.

This study has undertaken literature reviews, user and experts’ questionnaires, interviews and workshop surveys, analysis of EU legislation, SWOT and Multi-Criteria Analysis, identification of best practices and analyses of case studies. This has led to a mapping of accessibility across the EU Member States (identifying relevant state clusters) for three different sectors: local transport, long-distance transport, and tourism. Specific policies, research priorities and recommendations are made per ...

Assistive technologies (ATs) are designed to improve the functional capabilities of people with disabilities. Some are relatively low-tech and very familiar, such as such as reading glasses, crutches and hearing aids. Others are more advanced, using cutting-edge science and technology, with future ATs under development that could have a huge impact on all our lives. This briefing provides an overview of a scientific foresight study of ATs for three specific types of disability: blindness and visual ...

Zawarcie traktatu z Marrakeszu

W skrócie 10-01-2018

Traktat z Marrakeszu przyjęto w dniu 27 czerwca 2013 r. w celu ułatwienia dostępu do opublikowanych utworów osobom niewidomym, słabowidzącym i osobom z niepełnosprawnościami uniemożliwiającymi zapoznawanie się z drukiem. Podczas styczniowego posiedzenia plenarnego Parlament Europejski przeprowadzi głosowanie w sprawie udzielenia Radzie zgody na zawarcie tego traktatu.

W Unii Europejskiej prawie co szósta osoba w wieku co najmniej 15 lat ma pewien rodzaj niepełnosprawności. Oczekuje się, że w miarę starzenia się społeczeństwa liczba ta znacząco wzrośnie. W lutym 2017 r. Komisja Europejska opublikowała sprawozdanie z postępów w realizacji europejskiej strategii w sprawie niepełnosprawności na lata 2010–2020. Podczas drugiej sesji plenarnej w listopadzie Parlament ma przeprowadzić dyskusję na temat sprawozdania z własnej inicjatywy w sprawie wdrażania tej strategii ...

In addition to the State of the Union address by European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, the main debates held during Parliament's September plenary session included questions such as fire safety in buildings, the impact of hurricane Irma, breaches of human rights and a series of statements related to external relations presented by the High Representative, Federica Mogherini. On the legislative front, Members voted, inter alia, on proposals concerning the WIFI4EU regulation (an initiative ...