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Kosowo*, liczące 1,8 mln mieszkańców (93 % etnicznych Albańczyków), w 2008 r. jednostronnie ogłosiło niepodległość od Serbii. Perspektywę przyszłości Kosowa w Unii Europejskiej potwierdzono na szczytach UE-Bałkany Zachodnie, które odbywają się od 2003 r. Od 2011 r. kraj ten bierze udział w prowadzonym z pomocą UE dialogu politycznym z Serbią. 18 marca 2023 r. przedstawiciele Kosowa i Serbii spotkali się w Ochrydzie w Macedonii Północnej. Jednym z głównych zobowiązań, które wówczas podjęto, było wdrożenie ...

Plenary round-up – July 2022

W skrócie 08-07-2022

The war in Ukraine was again an important point on the agenda of the July 2022 plenary session, with Members debating the conclusions of the European Council meeting that took place on 23 24 June 2022, as well as a long list of Council and Commission statements, including on facilitating exports of Ukrainian agricultural products, and on relations of the Russian government and diplomatic network with extremist, populist, anti-European and other European political parties. Parliament also debated ...

Kosowo* liczące 1,8 mln mieszkańców (93 % etnicznych Albańczyków) w 2008 r. jednostronnie ogłosiło niepodległość od Serbii. Perspektywę europejskiej przyszłości Kosowa przedstawiono na szczytach w Salonikach (w 2003 r.), w Sofii (w 2018 r.), a ostatnio w Zagrzebiu (w 2020 r.), Brdzie (w 2021 r.) i Brukseli (w 2022 r.), kiedy to przywódcy UE potwierdzili swoje jednoznaczne poparcie dla europejskiej perspektywy Bałkanów Zachodnich. Podczas lipcowej sesji plenarnej w 2022 r. Parlament Europejski ma ...

W 2013 roku Unia rozpoczęła negocjacje akcesyjne z Serbią, krajem o liczbie ludności wynoszącej 6,7 milionów. Serbia zaczęła proces akcesji bardzo ambitnie, jednak w ostatnich latach postępy spowolniały. Nierozwiązane problemy regionalne, a zwłaszcza impas w dialogu politycznym z Prisztiną, oraz powolne tempo reform w zakresie praworządności blokują negocjacje akcesyjne. Wybory parlamentarne, które odbyły się w czerwcu 2020 r., nie dały spodziewanego impulsu do poprawy sytuacji. Istnieje więc ryzyko ...

After fighting broke out between government forces and separatists, the formerly Serbian province of Kosovo was transferred to United Nations administration in 1999. In 2008, Kosovo declared independence. However, Belgrade continues to view its former province as Serbian territory. Over 100 countries, including 23 EU Member States, have recognised Kosovar independence, but full recognition and membership of most international organisations are still a long way off. Both Serbia and Kosovo aspire to ...

The highlights of the November II plenary session were the debate on the future of Europe with the Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, and the discussion on the Council and Commission statements on UK withdrawal from the European Union. Debates were held on a Commission statement on the single market package and the long-term strategy for reducing EU greenhouse gas emissions. Members debated and adopted reports on five Western Balkan countries, as well as a report on the way forward ...

Kosovo: 2018 country report

W skrócie 27-11-2018

In November 2018, the European Parliament is due to debate a resolution on the European Commission’s 2018 country report on Kosovo. The latest progress report notes that Kosovo has had limited success in bringing forward EU-related reforms. It calls on government and opposition to work together in order to implement them.

Serbia: 2018 country report

W skrócie 27-11-2018

In November 2018, the European Parliament is due to vote on a motion for a resolution on Serbia's 2018 country report. The report acknowledges Serbia's progress in its accession process, but points to rule of law and freedom of expression as significant obstacles. Relations with Kosovo, another key issue, are also still a major challenge.

This first thematic study of the Peace and Security series focuses on European Union (EU) peacebuilding efforts in the Western Balkans. The series will make an annual evaluation of EU performance in the field of peace and security in a specific geographical region. Examining EU engagement in the Western Balkans, the study assesses the extent to which the Union has been able to transform and strengthen the region's governance, economy and resilience. The study is organised around three key inter-connected ...

The European Union’s planned enlargement into the Western Balkans has recently drawn increased attention. In February 2018, the European Commission released its new enlargement strategy, giving a credible accession perspective to the region. The latest impetus came last month, when the Commission proposed opening entry talks with Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Presenting the 2018 Communication on the EU enlargement policy to the European Parliament, Commission President Jean-Claude ...