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The Ukraine Facility supports Ukraine, its recovery and its path to EU accession, allocating up to €50 billion for 2024 to 2027. Regulation (EU) 2024/792 establishing the Ukraine Facility was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council in February 2024. The EU budget is supposed to finance the Facility's €17 billion in grants and guarantee its €33 billion in loans. Additional financing is expected to come from frozen Russian assets. In the negotiations with the Council, the European Parliament ...

This report analyses the options under international law for the confiscation of Russian state assets to support Ukraine's reconstruction. It focuses on Russian Central Bank assets, US$300 billion of which are frozen in various jurisdictions. The report considers four avenues for overcoming Russia's immunity from enforcement: avoidance of immunity through purely executive or legislative action; justification for the breach of international law on the grounds that it is a countermeasure; evolution ...

Instrument na rzecz Ukrainy – z budżetem w wysokości do 50 mld EUR w formie dotacji i pożyczek na lata 2024–2027 – będzie wspierać Ukrainę i jej odbudowę oraz pomagać temu krajowi w drodze do przystąpienia do UE. 6 lutego 2024 r. Parlament Europejski i Rada osiągnęły porozumienie polityczne w sprawie ustanowienia Instrumentu na rzecz Ukrainy po tym, jak w Radzie Europejskiej osiągnięto porozumienie w sprawie zmiany wieloletnich ram finansowych UE (WRF). WRF powinny finansować dotacje i gwarantować ...

W najnowszym rocznym przeglądzie działań zewnętrznych UE na rzecz promowania praw człowieka i demokracji, obejmującym 2022 r., zwrócono uwagę na pogarszającą się sytuację, naznaczoną wojną Rosji przeciwko Ukrainie, licznymi konfliktami i pojawiającymi się wyzwaniami. Podczas drugiej lutowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski ma głosować nad własnym rocznym sprawozdaniem na temat praw człowieka i demokracji na świecie, które jest odpowiedzią na roczne sprawozdanie Wysokiego Przedstawiciela UE do ...

Almost two years since Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, EU military assistance under the European Peace Facility (EPF) is lagging. The special European Council meeting of 1 February 2024 invited the Council to agree by early March 2024 to amend the regulation establishing the EPF, in order to increase its financial ceiling.

This year's EPRS outlook for Latin America focuses on key developments in the region, a partner of significant importance for the European Union (EU). As part of its efforts to foster alliances around the globe, the EU has been striving since 2022 to revive relations with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and 2023 was crucial for EU relations with the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). The leaders' summit that took place in Brussels on 17-18 July 2023 under the Spanish ...

W 2016 r., w obliczu bezprecedensowej liczby migrantów o nieuregulowanym statusie i osób ubiegających się o azyl przybywających do UE, Komisja Europejska zaproponowała pakiet reform wspólnego europejskiego systemu azylowego (WESA). W czerwcu 2018 r. Parlament Europejski i prezydencja Rady UE osiągnęły wstępnie szerokie porozumienie wstępne w sprawie kilku propozycji reform. Porozumienie to nie uzyskało jednak wystarczającego poparcia państw członkowskich. Reforma utknęła w martwym punkcie ze względu ...

Plenary round-up – February I 2024

W skrócie 09-02-2024

A highlight of the February I 2024 plenary session was the debate on the conclusions of the special European Council meeting on 1 February, at which leaders reached agreement on EU funding, in particular for Ukraine. That was followed by a debate with the Council and Commission on the need for unwavering EU support for Ukraine, after two years of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. Members also debated empowering farmers and rural communities and ensuring sustainable and fairly rewarded EU ...

Sanctions are an essential tool to safeguard EU values and interests, but how can the EU enforce them and protect its budget in the process? With a particular focus on the EU-Russia sanctions, this work-shop looked at the issue from various perspectives, including trade sanctions, criminalising sanctions circumvention, asset freezing and tracing final beneficiaries of EU funds.

EU leaders reached a swift and unanimous decision on the long-term EU budget at the special European Council meeting of 1 February, sending a strong and united message on the EU's continued support for Ukraine. Altogether, the European Council agreed to reinforce new priorities by €64.6 billion in a revised EU multiannual financial framework (MFF). Next to the MFF, leaders discussed the EU's military support to Ukraine, calling on the Council to agree to a European Peace Facility top-up by March ...