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The European Parliament has been trying to strengthen its powers to conduct in-depth investigations into contraventions or maladministration in the implementation of European Union law since 2012, but has so far failed to gain the consent of the Commission or the Council for the modification of the legal framework applicable to its committees of inquiry. These powers were also discussed as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe. This paper updates a 2021 EPRS publication on the European Parliament's ...

In the context of ongoing investigations by Belgian authorities for alleged wrongdoing, on 13 December 2022 the European Parliament voted by an overwhelming majority to strip Eva Kaili of her post as vice-president. Parliament is expected to vote on the election of a new vice-president during its first plenary session of 2023.

Podczas pierwszej czerwcowej sesji plenarnej Rada i Komisja Europejska mają odpowiedzieć na pytania ustne Komisji Spraw Konstytucyjnych (AFCO) Parlamentu Europejskiego dotyczące wniosku Parlamentu w sprawie uchylenia decyzji 95/167/WE (która obecnie reguluje uprawnienia śledcze Parlamentu) oraz przyjęcia nowego rozporządzenia w celu wzmocnienia jego uprawnień śledczych. Zwracając uwagę na niechęć Rady do zaangażowania się w negocjacje polityczne z Parlamentem w sprawie tego dossier, komisja AFCO ...

One of Parliament’s main tools of political control vis-à-vis the EU executive is its capacity to establish Committees of inquiry. This possibility, now formally recognised in Article 226 TFEU, has existed since 1981 but it has been scarcely used by Parliament. This study provides an analysis of Parliament’s right of inquiry as it stands after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, and examines how it has evolved since it was first introduced. It also compares Parliament’s right of inquiry ...

This survey, provided by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee, looks into the legal and administrative framework in which parliamentary committees of inquiry operate in the EU Member States. It focuses, in particular, in the investigative powers these committees have at hand to assist national parliaments in exercising parliamentary control. It also examines the role of Member States’ parliamentary committees of inquiry in guiding ...

Conducting in-depth investigations is an ancient and essential right of parliaments in Europe. Yet, despite a provision of the Lisbon treaty, the European Parliament still has a limited institutional capacity to conduct inquiries. This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee, discusses the theoretical basis of parliamentary investigation, compares recent committees of inquiries and develops ...

On 24 September 2019, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi (Democrat, California), announced the launch of an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, the fourth President in the history of the United States to face the prospect of such an inquiry. The US Constitution provides for an impeachment process, but interpretations of the relevant clauses vary, creating controversy.

The European Parliament's application of scrutiny prerogatives of political oversight of the European Commission increases the democratic legitimacy of the European Union, and the transparency and accountability of the European executive. The study examines the status quo of the European Parliament's powers of scrutiny of the European Commission. The cases examined pertain mainly to electoral and institutional issues, motions of censure, parliamentary questions, inquiry committees and special parliamentary ...

Komisję śledczą Parlamentu Europejskiego do zbadania zarzutów naruszenia prawa Unii i niewłaściwego administrowania w jego stosowaniu w odniesieniu do prania pieniędzy, unikania opodatkowania i uchylania się od opodatkowania (komisja PANA) powołano w czerwcu 2016 r. Jej sprawozdanie i zalecenia, przedłożone celem przyjęcia podczas grudniowej sesji plenarnej Parlamentu Europejskiego, otwierają drogę do dalszych działań monitorujących i następczych.

Europejski Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich

Noty tematyczne o UE 01-10-2017

Europejski Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich prowadzi dochodzenia dotyczące przypadków niewłaściwego administrowania przez instytucje, organy, urzędy i agencje Unii Europejskiej, interweniując z własnej inicjatywy lub na podstawie skarg składanych przez obywateli UE. Rzecznik jest mianowany przez Parlament Europejski na okres trwania kadencji parlamentarnej.