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Wniosek Komisji Europejskiej z 2018 r. w sprawie przeglądu Europejskiego Funduszu Dostosowania do Globalizacji, zmieniony w ramach planu odbudowy dla Europy z 2020 r., wprowadza zmiany w kryteriach kwalifikowalności, zasadach współfinansowania i w procedurze uruchamiania środków. Fundusz, nieobjęty pułapami wieloletnich ram finansowych (WRF) na lata 2021–2027, powinien nadal służyć jako fundusz solidarnościowy i nadzwyczajny wykorzystywany doraźnie. W następstwie wczesnego porozumienia w drugim czytaniu ...

Plenary round-up – October II 2020

W skrócie 26-10-2020

During the second October 2020 plenary session – the first at which Members were able to speak remotely, and not only vote, from the Member States – the European Commission presented its 2021 work programme, which Members largely welcomed. Members also discussed the conclusions of the 15 16 October 2020 European Council meeting, EU measures to mitigate the social and economic impact of Covid 19, police brutality within the EU, the sale of EU passports and visas to criminals, the State of the Energy ...

Komisja Europejska zaproponowała uruchomienie w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Dostosowania do Globalizacji (EFG) 2 054 400 EUR w odpowiedzi na zwolnienia w sektorach powiązanych z przemysłem stoczniowym w Galicji (Hiszpania) spowodowane trudnościami finansowymi dwóch stoczni z tego regionu. Komisja Budżetowa Parlamentu Europejskiego popiera tę propozycję i przypomina, że pomoc z EFG nie może zastępować działań, za które na mocy prawa krajowego lub umów zbiorowych odpowiedzialne są przedsiębiorstwa ...

Komisja Europejska zaproponowała uruchomienie środków w wysokości 345 000 EUR na pomoc techniczną dla Europejskiego Funduszu Dostosowania do Globalizacji (EFG). Komisja Budżetowa Parlamentu Europejskiego popiera ten wniosek, podkreślając, że EFG może zostać wykorzystany do zapewnienia stałego wsparcia zwolnionym pracownikom i osobom samozatrudnionym w związku ze światowym kryzysem wywołanym przez pandemię COVID-19. Parlament ma głosować nad tym wnioskiem podczas czerwcowej sesji plenarnej.

By promoting a high level of employment, the European Union (EU) has been involved in the fight against unemployment since as long ago as the early 1950s. The issue was brought to the top of the European agenda with the onset of the 2008 economic and financial crisis, and the consequent rise in unemployment rates in all European Union (EU) Member States. In its Europe 2020 strategy, the European Commission set a target to get 75 % of 20 to 64 year-olds into employment by 2020. EU labour market conditions ...

The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) was created in 2006 to finance active labour market policies targeting workers who have lost their jobs because of trade adjustment. The fund was subsequently modified in 2009 to cover major structural changes triggered by the economic and financial crisis. The rules of the EGF are laid down in EU Regulation (EU) No 1309/2013, which stipulates that the fund will continue to be financed until 31 December 2020. In May 2018, the European Commission submitted ...

The Commission proposes to establish a European Social Plus (ESF+) by merging different funds and programmes, and a strengthened European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF). These proposals would contribute to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights and enhance social Europe. The impact assessment report (IA) concerning the proposals explains the challenges of funding and the defined objectives of the proposals. In relation to the proposed measures, risks and mitigating measures have also ...

The departure of the United Kingdom from the EU will have a significant impact on the EU budget. The next Multiannual Financial Framework, to be presented in May 2018, could make fewer resources available for cohesion policy in the post-2020 period. At this critical juncture, the discussion amongst policy-makers on the future priorities of cohesion policy is now heating up. Among the topics widely debated are the need to make cohesion funds simpler and more flexible for beneficiaries to use, while ...

Trade liberalisation is generally expected to bring net welfare gains to the domestic economy by reallocating resources to more productive firms or to industries with a comparative advantage. However, these gains are not always distributed evenly and can involve transitional costs for certain firms and workers. Trade adjustment measures are designed to compensate for these costs. The literature proposes mainly active labour policies (including training and other measures for re-employment) for dealing ...

The debate on the shape of the post-2020 cohesion policy is well under way. Stakeholders have identified a number of principal issues or questions in this regard, relating to the operation of the policy itself as well as its impact and relationship with other EU polices and with the wider goals and objectives of the Union. One issue debated is how cohesion policy can best contribute to the twin objectives of competitiveness and cohesion. Finding the most efficient form of support is another important ...