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The European Parliament and Council have adopted a new multiannual plan for the western Mediterranean fisheries exploiting several stocks of fish and crustaceans living close to the sea bottom (i.e. 'demersal fisheries'). Most of these stocks have long been overfished and are now in an alarming state. The new plan aims to reverse this trend and ensure that fishing activities are environmentally sustainable, and capable of securing economic and social benefits. It concerns fishing fleets from Italy ...

The European Parliament and Council adopted a new multiannual plan for management of fisheries in the Western Waters, an area of the north-east Atlantic along the western coast of the EU. The plan covers fisheries exploiting stocks of fish and crustaceans living close to the sea bottom (i.e. 'demersal fisheries'), including several deep-sea stocks. It aims to ensure that these stocks are exploited sustainably and that their management is based on the most up-to-date scientific information. The fishing ...

The Commission proposed a multi-annual plan for the fisheries exploiting demersal stocks in the western Mediterranean. The supporting Impact Assessment (IA) did not provide enough details on the socio-economic impacts of the plan in the countries affected by the proposal. The complementary IA aims to assess and quantify (when possible) the potential impacts on fishing companies (all SMEs) and ancillary activities (in the short, medium and long-term) of several of the specific MAP provisions.

This report presents the status of the fishery modelling in the Ligurian, Tyrrhenian and Sardinia seas (geographical sub-areas GFCM classification: GSA9, 10 and 11-). Using both a qualitative and quantitative approach, we present an overview of likely effects of the maximum sustainable yield and the landing obligation on the fleets exploiting the demersal fisheries in this ecosystem.

The demersal fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea are heavily overfished but the landing obligation will not help to reach MSY because it will not decrease fishing mortality. The new proposal of the Commission introduces total allowable effort as a new way to regulate Western Mediterranean demersal fisheries by significantly reducing fishing time. However, this new management measure must be complemented with increased gear selectivity, implementation of closed areas and local co-management plans.Different ...

The European Parliament and Council have adopted a new multiannual plan to manage fisheries in the North Sea and some adjacent maritime areas. The plan covers demersal species (i.e. species living close to the sea bottom). These stocks are exploited by various fishing fleets using various fishing gear, but often catching different species together (mixed fisheries). The North Sea demersal fisheries are conducted by several thousand EU vessels, mainly from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands ...

The development of a multiannual plan as the preferred policy choice seems rather pre-determined, as such plans are a priority measure for the sustainable management of fish stocks under the current CFP. The description of the impacts of the options provides certain quantitative data. However, not enough details are given in the impact assessment on the financial impacts on the fishermen and the fleets, including broken-down information per country, or on ancillary jobs, such as servicing the vessels ...

The European Parliament is due to vote on a provisional agreement with the Council on a legislative proposal for a multiannual plan to manage fisheries in the North Sea and some adjacent maritime areas. The plan would cover demersal species (i.e. species living close to the sea bottom). These stocks are exploited by various fishing fleets using various fishing gear but often catching different species together (mixed fisheries). Demersal fisheries, conducted by several thousand EU vessels, represent ...

The issue of choke species has been highlighted as the biggest single problem in implementing the landing obligation. This study looks at the choke issues within North Western Waters. It reports on the findings of choke analysis carried out and evalutes the effectiveness of available tools and measures within the CFP to reduce the risk of choke species. Finally three future scenarios – Fmsy 2020, Brexit and climate change – are considered and how these will impact on the implementation of the landing ...

This study presents an identification of the likely stocks that could act as choke stocks under the landing obligation to be fully implemented in 2019 for South Western Atlantic Waters. The study provides an estimation of the likely surplus/deficit quota by stock, Member State and EU level. It also analyses the likely solutions to it and if the likely management possibilities have been used or not. It finally provides a list of stocks of high risk of being choke after the application of the existing ...