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The 'Fit for 55' package contains several legislative proposals aimed at reducing CO2 emissions in the transport sector. Emissions in this sector have barely fallen since 2005, because of increased transport demand. One of the proposals addresses road transport emissions by setting stricter CO2 emission standards for new cars and vans.

In December 2019 the European Commission published a communication on the Green Deal, in which it outlined its priorities to transform the EU into a resource-efficient and competitive economy and to meet the EU's climate commitments. Subsequently, in line with the Green Deal, the European Climate Law was adopted in July 2021, setting in law the EU target for 2030 of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 % compared with 1990 levels. To deliver the targets agreed in the European Climate ...

In November 2017, the Commission adopted a legislative proposal for a revised directive on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles (Clean Vehicles Directive), as part of its 'clean mobility package'. During the October II 2018 plenary session, Parliament is due to vote on the report of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), adopted on 10 October 2018.

On 8 November 2017, the European Commission adopted the clean mobility package, including legislative proposals to help accelerate the transition to low and zero emission vehicles, together with a communication on an action plan with investment solutions for the trans-European deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure. The Commission will present its action plan to the European Parliament during the March plenary session.

Clean Vehicles Directive

Briefing 29-05-2017

According to a recent evaluation of the Clean Vehicles Directive performed by the European Commission, the directive seems to raise concerns about whether the incentives included in it actually reach their intended aim, notably to increase the demand for and deployment of cleaner vehicles. Indeed, performing the evaluation was a complicated task, due to the significant data gaps that were found. This was particularly true when evaluating the implementation of the directive and its associated impacts ...

A presente nota informativa baseia-se no projeto STOA relativo ao «Metanol: um futuro combustível para transportes baseado no hidrogénio e no dióxido de carbono?». O projeto analisa os obstáculos tecnológicos, ambientais e económicos que se colocam na produção de metanol a partir do dióxido de carbono, bem como as possíveis utilizações do metanol no transporte automóvel na Europa. Os custos e os benefícios são avaliados numa perspetiva de ciclo de vida, com vista a comparar as diferentes matérias-primas ...

O presente estudo salienta os aspectos económicos da mobilidade sustentável analisando dez conjuntos de eco-inovações, ou seja, instrumentos que reforçam de forma positiva a dimensão ambiental dos transportes e da mobilidade, tornando esta última mais sustentável. Esses conjuntos incluem diferentes tipos de instrumentos (por exemplo, de carácter regulamentar ou organizacional), aplicáveis a vários modos de transportes, que são descritos e analisados num quadro analítico que apresenta o seu impacto ...