
Os seus resultados

Mostrando 7 de 7 resultados

Network cost contribution debate

Em síntese 03-04-2023

With the current pace of technological innovation, it is clear that the volume of data being exchanged is larger than ever and will only continue growing. The EU's ambitious connectivity targets are pushing policymakers to take a more forward-thinking approach to the telecoms sector. One question EU decision-makers must answer is whether the main digital players, who generate huge volumes of traffic and revenue using the EU's telecoms infrastructure, should contribute to the cost of network roll-out ...

Digital rights and principles

Em síntese 12-01-2023

As digital tools and services are now integral to daily life, the protection of human rights in the digital context has become a top priority, and international organisations are stepping-up their efforts to that end. One EU contribution has been the adoption of the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, aims to provide an overview over Intellectual Property Rights and Distributed Ledger Technology with a focus on IP issues relating to art NFTs and tokenized physical art works.

The European Commission presented a legislative package for the modernisation of the EU copyright rules, including a new directive on copyright in the digital single market, on 14 September 2016. Stakeholders and academics were strongly divided on the proposal. In February 2019, after more than two years of protracted negotiations, the co-legislators agreed on a new set of copyright rules, including two controversial provisions: 1) the creation of a new right that will allow press publishers to claim ...

The briefing paper gives a brief introductory presentation of the provisions of the copyright proposal COM (2016)593 concerning the creation of new rights for press publishers to protect their press publications under EU law. It also discusses the reasoning behind the creation of new rights for press publishers to ensure a fair remuneration and sheds light on the definitions "press publishers" and "press publications" and the scope of the protection as well as the effects of the proposed directive ...

A tecnologia de cadeia de blocos tem um interesse crescente para cidadãos, empresas e legisladores de toda a União Europeia. O presente relatório visa constituir um ponto de entrada para quem se sente curioso em relação à tecnologia de cadeia de blocos, no sentido de estimular o interesse e promover o debate em torno do seu potencial impacto. A uma breve introdução segue-se uma análise mais aprofundada de oito domínios em que a cadeia de blocos foi descrita como tendo um impacto potencial substancial ...

The IA clearly defines the underlying problems and the objectives of the proposed initiatives. It relies on various recent external studies, reviews and evaluations. The Commission consulted widely and the IA appears to have analysed a broad range of options and their impacts on all relevant stakeholders. However, the IA, which is very dense, is based on limited quantitative data, which the Commission openly acknowledges. It would also perhaps have benefited from a more detailed assessment of social ...