The European Union's Role in International Economic Fora - Paper 9: The IOPS

Studiu 01-10-2015

This paper forms part of a series of nine studies on the role of the European Union (EU) in International bodies and examines the International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS), where the European Commission, the ESAs and the ECB, as well as Member States' supervisors have been active. The increased role of such standard setting entities is perceived as impacting the shaping of policy and the legal framework. This report provides factual background information about IOPS, the EU’s role and representation therein, its accountability as well as the coordination and impact and an evaluation of IOPS against Rules and Practices for Accountability of International Organisations recommended by ILA. A key conclusion is that the role of the EU in IOPS is limited. A reconsideration of the EU’s involvement would be necessary should IOPS increase its external footprint. This study was prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.