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The impact assessment (IA) defines the problems, their drivers, the objectives and the options of the initiative in a robust intervention logic. It is based on several sources, including the 'fitness check' of current EU animal welfare legislation, an external supporting study and stakeholder feedback. The IA presents a range of policy options; however, for some options, it does not provide alternatives. The assessment of the options' impacts (economic, social, environmental, animal welfare) is qualitative ...

The impact assessment (IA) was prepared after the evaluation, so the 'evaluation first' principle was properly followed. This IA relies on an external IA supporting study, a two-stage stakeholder consultation and independent research. The problem definition is clear and is accompanied by a problem tree, but there is a lack of solid evidence of what has worked and what has not. The IA presents 10 policy options; these are cumulative and some of the options do not seem to be relevant policy alternatives ...

The impact assessment (IA) defines the problems, their drivers, the objectives and the options of the initiative in a robust intervention logic. It explains the initiative's coherence with ongoing legislation. However, the interplay between the initiative and, in particular, the artificial intelligence act and the revised Product Liability Directive with regard to their scope of application and the likely evolution of the problems appear to be addressed insufficiently. The IA is based on several ...

The impact assessment (IA) sufficiently substantiates the need for a revision of the CTD, and provides a well-evidenced problem definition relying on various data sources. It presents a sufficient range of policy options, which appear to present self-standing alternatives. The IA qualitatively and quantitatively assesses all policy options' economic, social and environmental impacts, and explains the methods used in detail. It openly explains limitations in the analysis, for instance regarding employment ...

Defence of Democracy package

Briefing 21-02-2024

The initiative results from growing concern that openness of European societies is being exploited for covert interference from foreign governments to manipulate decision-making processes and public opinion in the EU. The impact assessment (IA) clearly defines two problems relating to interest representation activities carried out on behalf of third countries: obstacles to the internal market due to fragmented regulation, and the unknown magnitude, trends and actors of these activities. It considers ...

Combating late payment

Briefing 15-02-2024

Presented as part of the 'SME relief package', the initiative aims to tighten the EU's late payment framework and improve its enforcement. It proposes, among other things, to convert the current Late Payment Directive into a regulation, a move that several national parliaments contested. National parliaments also raised subsidiarity and proportionality concerns on several provisions. The impact assessment (IA) adequately justifies the need to revise the late payment framework, and substantiates the ...

Digital euro

Briefing 02-02-2024

On 28 June 2023, the European Commission presented a legislative package to establish a digital form of central bank money to complement its physical form (banknotes and coins) and laid out the rules and conditions for its use. The IA supporting the proposals is based on extensive internal and external expertise, including tailored ECB advice and JRC input on analytical methods and simulations. It presents a wide range of options to address the problems identified, but it is difficult to identify ...

Establishing an EU talent Pool

Briefing 02-02-2024

The problem definition and problem drivers in the impact assessment (IA) appear to be well-supported by evidence. The IA provides a well-structured analysis of the existing situation and the likelihood for the problem to persist. The IA identifies the initiative's general and specific objectives, which appear to be specific, achievable, relevant and time-bound, but not measurable, as recommended by the Better Regulation Toolbox 'S.M.A.R.T.' criteria. The IA does not define more detailed operational ...

The impact assessment (IA) underpinning the revision of the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) framework presents a robust intervention logic. It puts forward four policy options (including a non-regulatory option) with varying degrees of ambition; however, the description of the different policy options would have benefited from more depth and detail. The IA assesses the policy options in terms of their economic, social and environmental impacts and their effects on fundamental rights. While large ...

The problem definition in the impact assessment (IA) appears to be well-supported by evidence. The description of the policy options is balanced, albeit sometimes lacking in detail. The assessment of the options' impacts (economic, social and environmental) is mainly qualitative, with only limited quantified estimates of costs and benefits. Data limitations and uncertainties could have been described in more detail. The IA consistently presents the stakeholders' views on the problems, their drivers ...