
Rezultatele dvs.

Se afișează 10 din 14 rezultate

In December 2022, the European Commission proposed a revision of the Regulation on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, one of the two cornerstones of the EU's framework regulating chemicals. The revision, announced in the EU chemicals strategy for sustainability, notably seeks to identify and classify hazardous chemicals more comprehensively; improve communication on chemical hazards and the notification of relevant information to poison centres for emergency health ...

The IA provides a convincing justification on the need to revise the CLP. It presents a well-evidenced problem definition and describes the scale of the problems. The IA does not provide self-standing policy options addressing all the drivers. Instead, it provides three policy option packages, under which the sub-options are the policy options; however, there are in fact only a few alternative choices. The IA explains the policy options and their impacts in detail in extensive annexes. The comparison ...

Packaging and packaging waste

Briefing 29-03-2023

The IA provides a good overview of the problems relating to packaging and packaging waste, and the possible impacts of the various measures proposed to address the problems. In its assessment, which is both qualitative and quantitative, the IA relies on a wealth of data sources and modelling. However, it does not clearly indicate the IA supporting studies and their full references; this would have improved transparency. The IA presents three policy options, which are partially incremental and cannot ...

Reform of the EU own resources

Analiză aprofundată 01-03-2021

This document was prepared by Policy Department for Budgetary Affairs for the Committee on Budgets as a background paper for the Public Hearing on ‘Financing the EU budget: new own resources and possible other revenue’. It provides a summary of the system of EU own resources in the light of the agreement on its revision reached during the negotiations of the 2021-27 MFF. It shows the rationale for the reform including the need to find sources to finance the repayment of the EU borrowing in the framework ...

Substanțele chimice

Fișe descriptive despre U.E. 01-11-2017

Legislația UE în domeniul substanțelor chimice are scopul de a proteja sănătatea umană și mediul și de a preveni obstacolele din calea comerțului. Aceasta cuprinde norme care reglementează comercializarea și utilizarea anumitor categorii de produse chimice, un ansamblu de restricții armonizate privind introducerea pe piață și utilizarea unor substanțe și preparate periculoase specifice, precum și norme care reglementează accidentele majore și exportul de substanțe periculoase. Cea mai importantă ...

Utilizarea eficientă a resurselor și deșeurile

Fișe descriptive despre U.E. 01-11-2017

Modelele anterioare și cel actual de utilizare a resurselor au condus la niveluri ridicate de poluare, de degradare a mediului și de epuizare a resurselor naturale. Foaia de parcurs către o Europa eficientă din punct de vedere al utilizării resurselor și pentru o economie circulară ar trebui să schimbe această tendință, transformând economia UE într-o economie sustenabilă până în 2050. Politica UE în materie de deșeuri are o lungă istorie și s-a concentrat în mod tradițional pe gestionarea mai sustenabilă ...

This STOA study explores waste management in the EU. Around one third of EU municipal waste was sent to landfill in 2012. To turn waste into a resource, waste management objectives must be aligned with the goals of a circular economy transition. This report highlights progress and challenges across Member States and in municipalities for (1) reducing waste, and (2) generating high-quality waste streams for re-use and recovery. It focuses on the current policy landscape, trends, and technologies for ...

Waste streams are flows of specific waste, from its source through to recovery, recycling or disposal. Together they make up the overall waste treated in the European Union (4.6 tonnes per capita in 2012). Waste streams can be divided into two broad types: streams made of materials (such as metals or plastics) or streams made of certain products (such as electronic waste or end-of-life vehicles) which require specific treatment and ultimately feed into materials-related streams. Reports suggest that ...

Inovațiile în materie de tehnici de prelucrare a alimentelor pot contribui în mod semnificativ la satisfacerea nevoilor viitorilor 10 miliare de locuitori ai lumii în ceea ce privește calitatea, cantitatea și sustenabilitatea aportului lor alimentar. Prezentul studiu oferă o opinie de specialitate privind potențialul tehnologiilor noi și emergente de a îmbunătăți sustenabilitatea în sectorul prelucrării alimentelor. Sunt incluse următoarele tehnologii: tehnologia senzorilor, ambalaje durabile și ...

This note seeks to provide an initial appraisal of the European Commission's Impact Assessment accompanying its proposal for a Directive on the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products, submitted on 19 December 2012. The Commission wishes to update existing Directive 2001/37/EC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco products (Tobacco Products Directive ...