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Fondul de coeziune

Fișe descriptive despre U.E. 01-11-2017

Constituit în 1994 prin Regulamentul (UE) nr. 1164/94 al Consiliului, Fondul de coeziune finanțează proiecte din domeniul mediului și al rețelelor transeuropene. Din 2007, el poate susține, de asemenea, proiecte din domenii legate de dezvoltarea durabilă, precum eficiența energetică și energia din surse regenerabile.

Finanțarea rețelelor transeuropene

Fișe descriptive despre U.E. 01-06-2017

Rețelele transeuropene (TEN) sunt finanțate parțial de Uniunea Europeană și parțial de statele membre. Ajutorul financiar acordat de UE are rol de catalizator, statele membre trebuind să contribuie cu cea mai mare parte a finanțării. Finanțarea TEN poate fi completată, de asemenea, de ajutoare acordate prin fondurile structurale, de un ajutor din partea Băncii Europene de Investiții sau de contribuții provenite din sectorul privat. În 2013 a fost introdusă o reformă importantă în rețelele transeuropene ...

This paper provides an overview of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) as a budgetary instrument. A preliminary analysis of the quantitative impact of the first year and a half of activity is complemented by an outline of the corollary policies that can determine the success of EFSI.

Cohesion policy and its Structural Funds are one of the main EU instruments to sustain economic growth, while reducing disparities between regions. These funds are allocated to Member States (MS) under a complex legal framework, according to the level of development of their regions.

Due to considerable overlaps between development and climate finance and the danger that funding is diverted from existing development assistance it would be important to define a baseline against which additionality can be measured. So far, no internationally agreed definition exists. The EU could step forward and come to a common approach even if this might temporarily disadvantage Member States under the current reporting practice. Any such definition should build on the commitment to raise ODA ...

The European Commission has set a target of access to fast internet for all citizens by 2013, with high speeds by 2020. This is being translated into plans and actions at Member State level.

This study sets out concepts and findings, and the desirable content of an EU methodology along with recommendations for contributing to efforts to support the capitalisation and promotion of good practice in the field of territorial development, co-financed in the framework of Community regional policy, for the 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 Structural Funds programming periods.