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The European Committee of the Regions (CoR or 'the Committee') is one of two European Union (EU) advisory bodies, the other being the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The CoR was established by the 1992 Treaty of Maastricht, following a period when regional and local interests had been demanding greater involvement in the European decision-making process. The CoR was set up as an advisory body of the Council and the European Commission, made up of local and regional representatives, ...

Comitetul Regiunilor

Fișe descriptive despre U.E. 01-10-2017

Comitetul Regiunilor este format din 350 de membri care reprezintă autoritățile regionale și locale din cele 28 de state membre ale Uniunii Europene. Acesta emite avize în cazurile de consultare obligatorie (prevăzute de tratate), în cazurile de consultare voluntară și din proprie inițiativă, dacă acest lucru este considerat oportun. Mandatul membrilor săi nu este imperativ. Aceștia își exercită funcțiile în deplină independență, în interesul general al Uniunii Europene.

In its November 2014 Investment Plan for Europe, the Commission announced the establishment of a new European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), to bridge the EU investment gap. EFSI would be financed by an initial €21 billion: €16 billion from the EU budget in the form of a guarantee to the European Investment Bank (EIB), and €5 billion from the EIB’s own resources. Through a multiplier effect estimated at 15:1, a total of at least €315 billion would be mobilised in additional investment ...