
Rezultatele dvs.

Se afișează 10 din 12 rezultate

On 9 November 2022, the European Commission presented an €18 billion Ukraine support package for 2023, in the form of highly concessional loans backed by the EU budget. Three acts must be passed for disbursement to begin in early January. If plenary approves use of the urgent procedure (Rule 163), the three proposals will be voted directly during the November II session.

Recovery and Resilience Plans: stakeholders’ views

Analiză aprofundată 08-03-2022

This paper aims to support the scrutiny of the national Recovery and Resilience Plans and its implementation by providing an overview of EU stakeholders, other relevant institutions and bodies’ assessments/opinions related to these plans, including specific monitoring activities by think tanks and civil society organisations. Furthermore, it includes a summary of the Commission assessments of the overall involvement of stakeholders in the recovery and resilience plans. The paper will be regularly ...

The public sector loan facility (PSLF) is the third pillar of the Just Transition Mechanism (JTM), along with the Just Transition Fund and just transition scheme under Invest EU. The facility consists of a grant and a loan component. With the contribution of €1.525 billion for the grant component from the Union budget (including assigned revenues) and EIB lending of €10 billion from its own resources, the aim is for the public sector loan facility to mobilise between €25 and 30 billion in public ...

Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni have been invited to the second Recovery and Resilience Dialogue under the Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation. This briefing addresses the following subjects: the Recovery and Resilience Facility and its scrutiny; the state of play of adoption and assessment of the Recovery and Resilience plans; the European Parliament resolutions on the Recovery and Resilience Facility; the financing of national Recovery and Resilience plans ...

The public sector loan facility (PSLF) is the third pillar of the Just Transition Mechanism, along with the Just Transition Fund and just transition scheme under InvestEU. The PSLF consists of a grant and a loan component. With the contribution of €1.525 billion for the grant component from the Union budget and European Investment Bank lending of €10 billion from its own resources, the aim is to mobilise between €25 and 30 billion in public investment over the 2021-2027 period (in 2018 prices). Funding ...

Just Transition Fund

Pe scurt 11-09-2020

The EU’s ambition to achieve climate neutrality will require a transformation in those regions relying on fossil fuels and high-emission industries. The Just Transition Fund of €17.5 billion, complementing the existing cohesion policy funds, will provide support to address the social, economic and environmental impacts of the transition in the most affected territories. The European Parliament is expected to vote during the September plenary session on its legislative resolution outlining the Parliament ...

The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is having a major negative impact on employment. As part of the EU’s response to the crisis, the European Commission has proposed the creation of SURE, a temporary instrument to complement national efforts to protect employees and the self-employed from the risk of unemployment and loss of income. Under the scheme, the EU would be able to provide financial support worth up to €100 billion to 'short-time work' schemes and other national measures that have this objective ...

This document presents the main features of the European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism (EFSM). The EFSM allows the Commission to provide loans to euro area Member States threatened by severe difficulties and to access financial markets, by issuing bonds or with private placements. The amount that can be borrowed by the Commission on behalf of the European Union is limited.

Asistența financiară acordată statelor membre ale UE

Fișe descriptive despre U.E. 01-06-2017

Mecanismele europene de acordare de asistență financiară au rolul de a menține stabilitatea financiară a UE și a zonei euro, întrucât problemele financiare dintr-un stat membru pot avea un impact substanțial asupra stabilității macro-financiare din alte state membre. Asistența financiară este supusă respectării unor condiții macroeconomice (este mai degrabă un împrumut decât un transfer fiscal), pentru a se asigura că statele membre care primesc o asemenea asistență implementează reformele necesare ...

Cheltuielile Uniunii

Fișe descriptive despre U.E. 01-06-2017

Cheltuielile bugetare sunt aprobate în comun de Consiliu și Parlament. Bugetul anual al UE trebuie să respecte plafoanele bugetare prevăzute de cadrul financiar multianual (CFM) pentru diferite politici și programe, în domenii precum coeziunea, agricultura și relațiile externe. Instrumentele de flexibilitate garantează faptul că UE poate reacționa în cazul în care apar nevoi de finanțare neprevăzute. Utilizarea instrumentelor financiare conferă componentei de cheltuieli a bugetului UE un efect de ...