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The 2016 Pact of Amsterdam launched the Urban Agenda for the European Union. Within its framework, partnerships of urban authorities, Member States and other stakeholders have developed action plans to achieve better funding, better knowledge and better regulation for the priority theme of their partnership. This study provides an overview and critical assessment of the current state of play including the position of the European Parliament. Two partnerships, (1) Sustainable Use of Land and Nature-based ...

Many European cities are confronted by increasing levels of traffic congestion due to high dependence on cars for mobility purposes. The negative economic and environmental side-effects are considerable. Reducing congestion in urban areas and improving options for sustainable and integrated mobility options in cities has therefore become a growing concern for EU policy makers. This document examines the issues at stake.

Mestské oblasti sú dôležitým faktorom regionálneho rozvoja. Hlavný prínos miest a mestských oblastí bol v programovom období 2007 – 2013 na projektovej úrovni. V programovom období 2014 – 2020 politika súdržnosti rozšírila úlohu mestských oblastí. V praxi je však úloha miest naďalej rozsahovo podobná. Keďže fáza plánovania je takmer ukončená, na ďalšie ovplyvnenie návrhu nových programov už teraz nie je veľký priestor. Ďalšia príležitosť na zapojenie miest sa vyskytne v rámci partnerstiev počas programového ...