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During the November II plenary session, Parliament will debate the issue of legal protection for rainbow families exercising free movement in the light of a case concerning the refusal to issue civil status documents to a child born to a lesbian couple.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Legal Affairs, explores the possible legal scenarios of judicial cooperation between the EU and the UK at both the stage of the withdrawal and of the future relationship in the area of family law, covering the developments up until 5 October 2018. More specifically, it assesses the advantages and disadvantages of the various options for what should ...

The January session highlights were the European Council conclusions debate and a presentation of Bulgarian Presidency priorities, as well as the first in a series of debates with EU leaders on the future of Europe, with the Irish prime minister, Leo Varadkar. Parliament voted, inter alia, on three clean energy package proposals; a review of dual-use items export controls; its opinion on the revised Brussels IIa Regulation; and gave its consent for the conclusion of the Marrakesh Treaty.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, appraises the implications of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union for the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and protection of personal data for law enforcement purposes. It maps the various policy areas in which the UK is currently participating and analyses the requirements for the disentanglement of the UK from them ...

As an EU citizen, you can freely move around the EU with your partner and/or children. The EU has clear rules on which national court has jurisdiction in international divorce and parental responsibility cases. The European Parliament supports amicable solutions through mediation in cross-border family disputes, including parental child abductions.

In March 2016 the Commission proposed, in parallel, two regulations implementing enhanced cooperation on cross-border aspects of property regimes of marriages and registered partnerships. They replace a pair of earlier proposals from 2011, which lacked unanimous support in the Council.

Compendium of notes distributed on the workshop on "Civil aw and justice forum", held on 26 February 2015 in Brussels.

This study looks at the situation of children with disabilities in Cyprus to identify the gaps in the legal framework and its implementation, the obstacles faced by children with disabilities and best practices. This country study is part of a larger study which analyses all the 28 Member States. In the first phase of the study, a comparative analysis has been drawn based on 18 of the country studies. In the second phase of this study, the situation in the remaining ten countries and Scotland has ...

This study looks at the situation of children with disabilities in Denmark to identify the gaps in the legal framework and its implementation, the obstacles faced by children with disabilities and best practices. This country study is part of a larger study which analyses all the 28 Member States. In the first phase of the study, a comparative analysis has been drawn based on 18 of the country studies. In the second phase of this study, the situation in the remaining ten countries and Scotland has ...

Na základe žiadosti Výboru pre občianske slobody, spravodlivosť a vnútorné veci sa v tejto štúdii skúma situácia detí so zdravotným postihnutím na Slovensku s cieľom identifikovať nedostatky právnych rámcov a ich vykonávania, prekážky, ktorým čelia deti so zdravotným postihnutím, a najlepšie postupy. Táto štúdia krajiny je súčasťou väčšej štúdie, v ktorej sa analyzuje všetkých 28 členských štátov. V prvej fáze štúdie bola vypracovaná porovnávacia analýza na základe 18 štúdií krajín. V druhej fáze ...