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This At a glance note summarises the study on The European Schools system: State of Play, Challenges and Perspectives. The study examines the progress that the European Schools System has made during the past decade and overviews its state of affairs as of 2022. The educational dimension of the study focuses on questions related to teaching and learning, while the operational one concentrates on the administrative and managerial sides of the system. The study pinpoints the key challenges that the ...

This study examines the progress that the European Schools System has made during the past decade and overviews its state of affairs as of 2022. The educational dimension of the study focuses on questions related to teaching and learning, while the operational one concentrates on the administrative and managerial sides of the system. The study pinpoints the key challenges that the system currently faces and provides tailored recommendations on how to overcome them.

The diversity underpinning the European project is embodied in the harmonious co-existence of 24 official languages. Following the success of the European Year of Languages (2001), the Council of Europe designated 26 September as the European Day of Languages. The European Parliament has consistently acted to support endangered languages and linguistic diversity in the EU, calling on the EU and the Member States to commit resources to their protection and promotion. In May 2018, the European Commission ...

Jazyková politika

Informačné listy o EÚ 01-09-2017

Európska únia v rámci svojho úsilia podporovať mobilitu a medzikultúrne porozumenie určila učenie sa jazykov za dôležitú prioritu a financuje v tejto oblasti mnoho programov a projektov. EÚ považuje viacjazyčnosť za dôležitý prvok konkurencieschopnosti Európy. Jedným z cieľov jazykovej politiky EÚ je preto dosiahnuť, aby každý európsky občan ovládal okrem svojho materinského jazyka ďalšie dva jazyky.

• The EU's ERASMUS+ programme is investing €14.7 billion in education (2014-2019). • ERASMUS+ will enable 4 million young Europeans to study or learn abroad. • Experience abroad increases young people's chances on the job market and reduces their risk of unemployment.

Equipping immigrants with the necessary skills to achieve successful integration is a central preoccupation of policy-makers in the EU and beyond. The integration challenges of migrant students in formal educational systems tend to be essentially related to the three main components of education – access, participation and performance. While access to education is legally guaranteed, it remains difficult. Access to quality education is even more problematic. An additional concern for migrant students ...

Migrants' life stories reveal different levels of difficulty or ease in the process of integration. The key importance of education as a means of integration is widely acknowledged. For a number of years, the European Parliament has called for tangible commitments and proposed practical measures to integrate migrants and their children through education, training and the recognition of skills.

Endangered languages in the EU

V stručnosti 20-04-2015

Many languages currently spoken in Europe are endangered and some are at imminent risk of extinction. Though education and language policies remain the competence of Member States, the EU has taken initiatives to promote multilingualism and preserve its linguistic diversity, including measures in support of regional or minority languages. A decline in linguistic diversity has been increasingly acknowledged to entail losses in terms of knowledge and cultural heritage.

Multilingualism and language learning is an important policy area fostered by the European Union. One tool used in order to assess learners’ performance in language learning is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The CEFR was developed by the Council of Europe to provide unity in educational and cultural matters among its member states with regard to foreign language learning. After a pilot scheme involving extensive field consultation, the framework was officially published ...

V tomto dokumente sa v kontexte veľkej rozmanitosti jazykov, ktoré v Európe existujú, uvažuje o možných dôsledkoch zániku niektorých týchto jazykov a o krokoch, ktoré sa musia naplánovať na zachovanie ich existencie a budúcnosti.