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After the many debates and declarations of principles on the future of Europe of recent years, the time for a more structured reflection on the future of Europe's development has arrived. The new President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen has pledged to establish a Conference on the Future of Europe, in an effort to give new impulse to European construction and bring Europe closer to citizens. At this stage, details of this initiative are still up for discussion. For Dubravka Šuica ...

The European Union is facing new security threats amid growing uncertainty about the reliability of some of its allies. As a consequence, it has embarked on a general scalingup of its defence capabilities. A European defence action plan has been agreed and a European Defence Fund created to provide financial support, ranging from the research phase to the acquisition phase of military equipment and technologies. The EDIDP, which will be part of that fund, is destined to provide the European defence ...

This report captures the status of deployment of SESAR through the Pilot Common Project (PCP) in terms of state of play, costs and timeliness. It is concluded that the PCP implementation is on time and underpinned by a credible management structure. The expenditure to date through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) mechanism is EUR 325.4 million, out of EUR 3 billion planned for 2014-2020. However, as the PCP implementation is at an early stage, the benefits are still to be quantified.

Upon request by the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) of the European Parliament, this note provides background information for the FEMM Committee mission to the 60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women which will be held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 14 to 24 March 2016. The note focuses on the key priority theme of the 60th Session which is "women's empowerment and its links to sustainable development".

The aim of this study is to assess the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of the EU’s political dialogue on Human Rights under Article 8 of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement with the Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP). Following a set of guiding questions, the study looks into the inclusiveness, comprehensiveness, effectiveness, alignment and impact of EU political dialogue in the area of HR, both within and beyond the Cotonou framework. Based on a systematic literature review ...

The results of privatisation in developing countries have proven very disappointing. Many obstacles which have appeared are related both to the characteristics of the economic, social and institutional environment and to the practical conditions of their implementation. The analysis based on case studies of privatisation of agricultural sectors and services makes it possible to present a nuanced evaluation, to highlight several recurrent characteristics of ongoing reforms and to propose a series ...