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The European Commission proposed to raise the level of protection provided to consumers against unfair commercial practices. On 19 September 2023, the co-legislators reached a provisional agreement on the proposal to amend the two key directives in this area. This agreement has been endorsed by the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), and Parliament is expected to vote on the agreed text during its plenary session in January 2024.

The IA is based on solid expertise, with ample information in 13 annexes, some of which form an integral part of the analysis (namely Annexes 5 and 12 for the problem definition and Annex 8 for the assessment of the options' impacts). The qualitative and quantitative assessment of the options is concise, balanced and logical. The IA is transparent regarding methods, assumptions and uncertainties in the analysis, which it addresses through a sensitivity analysis to ensure a robust evidence base. The ...

On 30 March 2022, the Commission published a proposal for a directive empowering consumers for the green transition, through better protection against unfair practices and better information. The proposal is designed to enhancing consumer rights in making informed choices in order to play an active role in the transition to a climate-neutral society. It proposes new rules to provide consumers with information on products' sustainability, in particular their durability and reparability, at the point ...

Ecodesign and energy labelling policies play an important role in the decarbonisation of the energy system. Ecodesign bans the least-efficient products from the market, while energy labelling guides consumers towards the most energy efficient products. While the Ecodesign Directive focused largely on energy aspects, its revision became necessary in light of the transition to a circular economy where the use of natural resources is reassessed to maximise their value and minimise their waste. The recently ...

The way most food is produced is harming the planet. A profound change is needed, involving all agri-food actors. As consumers, we sit at the end of the agri-food chain. Our daily dietary choices implicitly support certain food systems, production methods and types of food. What could help us make better choices?

The marketing standards for fishery and aquaculture products are covered by the Common Market Organisation (CMO) Regulation (regulation 1379/2013), one of the pillars of EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The marketing standards for FAPs have remained unchanged for more than 20 years and in 2018 they were submitted to an evaluation process by the European Commission. The expected outcome is the release of a new legislative proposal by the first half of 2021, in line with the European Commission's ...

New consumer agenda

Briefing 03-02-2021

Consumer expenditure accounted for 52.6 % of European Union gross domestic product (GDP) in 2019. Meanwhile, in the same year, one in five consumers said they had had at least one reason to complain about a purchase the previous year – a number largely unchanged for a decade. Increasingly, consumers do their shopping online. One in six people bought at least one item online in 2019. Yet while online shopping is now ubiquitous, European rules have lagged behind. On 13 November 2020, the European Commission ...

Promoting product longevity

Štúdia 16-03-2020

Product longevity can play a useful role in achieving the Paris Agreement goals – material efficiency is an important contributor to energy efficiency and is also important in its own right. The product safety and compliance instruments available at European level can contribute to these efforts, if wisely applied.

This paper analyses the contribution, or lack of contribution of, the current EU Consumer Protection Legislation to a sustainable consumption and a longer lifetime of products. In addition, it gives an overview of the most relevant best practices at national and international level and provides recommendations on the future development and possible reforms of European consumer protection legislation in order to contribute to a more sustainable consumption and a longer lifetime of products. This ...

Udržateľná spotreba a výroba

Informačné listy o EÚ 01-06-2017

Udržateľný rast je jedným zo základných cieľov Európskej únie. Vzhľadom na globálny nedostatok prírodných zdrojov sa zásada „menej znamená viac“ stala hlavnou výzvou pre výrobcov a spotrebiteľov. Na zvládnutie tejto výzvy zaviedla EÚ celý rad politík a iniciatív, ktoré sú zamerané na udržateľnú spotrebu a výrobu. Mali by zlepšiť celkové environmentálne vlastnosti výrobkov počas ich celého životného cyklu, stimulovať dopyt po lepších výrobkoch a výrobných technológiách a pomôcť spotrebiteľom rozhodovať ...