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6. júla 2021 Rada schválila národný Plán obnovy a odolnosti Slovenskej republiky (ďalej len „NRRP“, „plán obnovy“) a na jeho vykonávanie pridelila 6 328,6 milióna EUR vo forme grantov. Pridelené prostriedky takmer úplne pokrývajú celkové náklady plánu, ktoré predstavujú 6 575 miliónov EUR. V júni 2022 bola výška pridelených prostriedkov na granty pre Slovensko upravená smerom nadol na 6 007,3 milióna EUR (‑5,1 %). Vďaka dohode z februára 2023, ktorá členským štátom umožňuje pridať do svojich plánov ...

V záväzných právnych predpisoch EÚ v oblasti klímy a energetiky na rok 2030 sa od členských štátov vyžaduje, aby prijali národné plány v oblasti energetiky a klímy (NEKP) na obdobie rokov 2021 až 2030. V októbri 2020 Európska komisia uverejnila posúdenie jednotlivých NEKP. Záverečný NEKP Slovenska je z decembra 2019. Veľká časť Slovákov (63 %) očakáva, že národné vlády budú riešiť problém zmeny klímy. Podiel Slovenska na celkových emisiách skleníkových plynov EÚ predstavuje 1,1 % a v rokoch 2005 ...

This paper first presents key indicators on employment and poverty for Roma communities in Slovakia and reviews existing social and employment policies. Second, it discusses the situation of Roma children in education. Third, the paper presents achievements and lessons learned from the use of EU funds for marginalised communities and, finally, it reviews the work of other organisations in assessing the situation of Roma people in Slovakia.

This paper, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee, provides basic information on access to abortion services in Slovakia. The legal status of abortions in the country is under permanent pressure despite the legally binding decision by the Constitutional Court back in 2007 which safeguarded women´s right to free choice. Eleven proposals to restrict abortion have been presented in the National ...

The main aim of this report is to present and discuss the results of a survey concerning perspectives on fake news among undergraduate university students in central Europe and northern Italy. The survey was carried out in spring 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic. An online questionnaire was used. The report is therefore the product of what could be achieved under highly unusual circumstances and should serve as a pointer for further studies. Misinformation is always troubling, especially in ...

With the virulence of the coronavirus pandemic gradually diminishing, and in the light of the restrictive measures adopted by Member States, attention remains on the way chosen by the various states to respond to the crisis. With states at various stages of relaxing emergency constraints, the effects of the coronavirus pandemic are likely to last in terms of health, economic, social, psychological and possibly even political impact. Although public attention is now turned towards the widely differing ...

Originally commissioned for a committee delegation which had to be postponed due to the Coronavirus measures, the full study has now been published to mark International Roma Day on 8 April 2020. It attempts to provide an overview of the situation of Roma communities in Slovakia, by first presenting key indicators on their employment and poverty levels, reviewing existing social and employment policies. Second, it discusses the situation of Roma children in education. Third, the paper presents achievements ...

Originally commissioned for a delegation which had to be postponed due to the Coronavirus measures, this analysis is being published to mark International Roma Day on 8 April 2020. The paper first presents key indicators on employment and poverty and reviews existing social and employment policies. Second, it discusses the situation of Roma children in education. Third, the paper presents achievements and lessons learned of EU funds used for marginalized communities and, finally, it reviews the work ...

Encompassing regions from European Union (EU) Member States and third countries confronted with a common set of challenges, macro-regions are defined on the basis of geographical features. Whether inspired by a sense of regional identity, a desire to engage in closer cooperation or to pool resources, all macro-regional strategies share the aim of ensuring a coordinated approach to issues best addressed jointly. In spite of a broad consensus on the importance of the macro-regional strategies as a ...

Political developments in the Visegrád Group countries have raised concern over the commitment of some of their leaders and senior politicians to European Union values, notably the rule of law. The Visegrád Group is an informal alliance of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, all of which joined the EU in 2004. Criticism by EU officials and some other Union governments centres on Hungary and Poland, where governments have implemented a number of controversial reforms, notably of the ...