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Policies for long-term carers

Štúdia 31-10-2021

This study provides an in-depth analysis of the formal and informal long-term care workforce in the EU building on an extensive literature survey and data analysis. It looks at workforce characteristics, types and forms of (non-standard) employment, and working conditions. The study covers challenges in Member States related to the long-term care workforce and measures taken to address these. It ends with a discussion of policy options at national and EU level.

This paper first presents key indicators on employment and poverty for Roma communities in Slovakia and reviews existing social and employment policies. Second, it discusses the situation of Roma children in education. Third, the paper presents achievements and lessons learned from the use of EU funds for marginalised communities and, finally, it reviews the work of other organisations in assessing the situation of Roma people in Slovakia.

The study focuses on active ageing policies and access to services for the ageing population in the EU-27 in five areas: economic activity, social participation, health and well-being, long-term care, and supportive environments including housing, transportation, and securing financial independence. It presents the challenges and trends in achieving active ageing policy goals in those areas, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Eight country studies for selected Member States provide a ...

The aim of this study is to provide the Members of the committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) with an analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on young people, providing updated information on their economic and social situation, with a focus on employment.

Sociálny dialóg

Informačné listy o EÚ 01-06-2017

Sociálny dialóg je základným prvkom európskeho sociálneho modelu, ktorý bol v plnej miere uznaný v zmluve prostredníctvom amsterdamskej reformy. Sociálni partneri (zástupcovia manažmentu a pracovníkov) tak môžu aktívne prispievať k formovaniu európskej sociálnej politiky.