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Regulation on gas storage

V stručnosti 20-06-2022

On 23 March 2022, the European Commission proposed an urgent regulation on gas storage to counter the risks of an interruption of gas supplies from Russia. The Parliament and Council negotiated this regulation under an expedited procedure, with a provisional agreement reached on 19 May 2022. The Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Committee endorsed the agreed text, which is set for vote during the June II plenary session.

New EU regulation on gas storage

Briefing 15-06-2022

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has triggered serious concerns about EU energy security. The problem is particularly acute in the gas sector, where Russia is the leading third-country supplier, on which several Member States are heavily dependent. To ensure the EU is prepared for the risk of an interruption of gas supplies next winter, the Commission has proposed an urgent regulation on gas storage, requiring Member States to: fill in at least 80 % of their storage capacity by 1 ...

Energetická politika: všeobecné zásady

Informačné listy o EÚ 01-05-2017

Európa čelí v oblasti energetiky problémom, ako sú napríklad zvyšujúca sa závislosť od dovozu, nedostatočná diverzifikácia, vysoké a kolísavé ceny energie, stúpajúci celosvetový dopyt po energii, bezpečnostné riziká postihujúce producentské a tranzitné krajiny, rastúce hrozby vyplývajúce zo zmeny klímy, pomalý pokrok v energetickej efektívnosti, výzvy spojené s narastajúcim podielom obnoviteľných zdrojov energie a potreba lepšej transparentnosti, ďalšej integrácie a prepojenia trhov s energiou. Jadrom ...

Compilation of three briefing papers analyzing the current and proposed emergency oil stock regime in the EU.