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Evropska unija in njeni trgovinski partnerji

Kratki vodnik po EU 18-01-2024

Evropska unija je z leti postopoma opustila proizvodnjo delovno intenzivnih izdelkov majhne vrednosti in se usmerila v proizvodnjo blaga blagovnih znamk višje vrednosti. Gospodarstvo Unije je odprto, zato je trgovina zanjo bistvenega pomena. Da bi premagala trgovinske ovire in zagotovila enake konkurenčne pogoje za svoja podjetja, se Unija pogaja o sprejetju več sporazumov o prosti trgovini. Je tudi ena od ustanoviteljic in ključnih akterk Svetovne trgovinske organizacije (STO).

Svetovna trgovinska organizacija (STO) si prizadeva, da bi zagotovila mednarodni trgovinski sistem, ki bi temeljil na pravilih. Kljub zastoju v trgovinskih pogajanjih se iščejo načini za posodobitev pravil STO in soočanje z novimi globalnimi izzivi. Parlament od začetka veljavnosti Lizbonske pogodbe skupaj s Svetom nastopa v vlogi sozakonodajalca in ima pomembno vlogo pri nadziranju mednarodne trgovinske politike ter mora odobriti vsako spremembo sporazumov STO oziroma vsak nov sporazum.

V razvojni politiki EU je poudarjen pomen trgovine, ki je osredotočena na države, najbolj potrebne pomoči. Splošna shema preferencialov za določeno blago iz držav v razvoju zagotavlja prednostni dostop do trga EU. Sporazumi o gospodarskem partnerstvu zagotavljajo preferenčno trgovinsko obravnavo za afriške, karibske in pacifiške države, medtem ko se shema „vse razen orožja“ uporablja za najmanj razvite države. Te sheme so v skladu s pravili Svetovne trgovinske organizacije.

The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is the main tool for bringing Ukraine and the EU closer together: it promotes deeper political ties, stronger economic links and the respect for common values. The Agreement was negotiated between 2007 and 2011, signed in 2014, and entered into force on 1 September 2017 after unanimous ratification by EU Member States. The Association Agreement includes a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) between the EU and Ukraine that has been provisionally applied ...

As part of the Conference on the Future of Europe, 800 citizens debated their ideas for the European Union in four thematic panels. The citizens involved in Panel 4 considered the possibilities for two related themes: the EU in the world and migration. This publication presents their recommendations, as well as a selection of related European Parliament resolutions and EU legislation, funding programmes and other activities. These background elements are not exhaustive, but have been selected to ...

The Commission Executive Vice-President/Commissioner-designate, Valdis Dombrovskis, appeared before the European Parliament on 02 October 2020 to answer questions put by MEPs from the Committee on International Trade, in association with the Committees on Foreign Affairs, on Economic and Monetary Affairs, on Development and on Budgets. During the hearing, he made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document. These commitments refer to his portfolio as Trade Commissioner, as described ...

The Commissioner-designate, Phil Hogan, appeared before the European Parliament on 30 September 2019 to answer questions from MEPs in the Committee on International Trade (INTA). During the hearing, he made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document. These commitments refer to his portfolio, as described in the mission letter sent to him by Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect of the European Commission, including: - A level playing field for all; - Strengthening Europe’s ...

The European Union (EU) is the biggest integrated economic zone and a guarantor of an open and predictable regulatory system able to determine its own economic destiny. But the behaviour of other global powers is increasingly calling this ability into question. China and the United States, especially, do not separate economic interests from geopolitical interests in the same way the EU does and are increasingly trying to gain geopolitical advantage using their economic might. The EU is known as ...