
Rezultati iskanja

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Several European Union (EU) legal instruments support Member States' efforts to ensure employees are informed of and participate in decision-making processes at work. While European Works Councils (EWCs) provide important facilitation of industrial relations, EU-level rules on workers' representation have proven difficult to understand, with a sometimes contradictory structure. The European Parliament's Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) Committee has drafted an own-initiative report that seeks ...

European works councils (EWCs)

Briefing 14-01-2021

European works councils (EWCs) represent over 17 million employees and are the first European representation of workers at company level. They facilitate the information, consultation and participation of employees with a focus on transnational issues. In times of crisis, including the COVID 19 crisis, relatively few workers lost their job in EU Member States with well-developed industrial relations systems where workers and their representatives have relatively strong rights.

Evropska unija dopolnjuje dejavnosti držav članic v povezavi s pravico delavcev do obveščenosti in posvetovanja z ukrepi, namenjenimi spodbujanju sodelovanja med državami članicami, ali s sprejemanjem minimalnih zahtev v direktivah.

Socialni dialog

Kratki vodnik po EU 01-06-2017

Socialni dialog je bistven element evropskega socialnega modela, ki je bil z amsterdamsko reformo v celoti priznan v Pogodbi. Socialnim partnerjem (predstavniki delodajalcev in delojemalcev) je tako omogočeno, da dejavno prispevajo k oblikovanju evropske socialne politike.

This Implementation Appraisal concentrates on three Directives in the area of information and consultation of workers subject to simplification and/or consolidation according to the CWP 2015: 1) Directive 98/59 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to collective redundancies; 2) Directive 2001/23 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying the proposal for a Directive for the inclusion of seafaring workers in the EU labour law Directives, submitted on 18 November 2013. It analyses whether the principal criteria laid down in the Commission’s own Impact Assessment Guidelines, as well as additional factors identified by the Parliament in its Impact Assessment Handbook, appear to be met by the ...

The economic crisis, accompanied by increased competitive pressure at EU level, has contributed to a steady rise in the number of companies undergoing restructuring and closure. Against this background, an open attitude to change is essential in order to be competitive in a global and challenging market. At the same time, there is also an urgent need to mitigate the negative consequences for both workers and employers of the ensuing labour market adjustments. The proposed measure is likely to generate ...