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In 2019 the European Universities Initiative started. Since then, 44 European Universities alliances were created, with 340 participating higher education institutions. This study evaluates the selection procedures and assesses the experiences of the first years. It also drafts three scenarios to map future developments. Recommendations to the EP aim to strengthen the sustainability of the EUAs, create better regulatory conditions and improve the learning processes.

Attention to the teaching of values has recently increased and is evident in the education policies of all EU Member States, also for the values of democracy and tolerance. Teaching Common Values (TCV) is fairly important in half of the EU Member States. However, TCV is often not very strongly implemented in education policy in terms of concrete curriculum instruments and in supporting measures. This results in practices that do not always give real attention to TCV.

This study addresses the question of similarities and differences of the education evaluation approaches of the EU and the OECD with the aim of exploring the possibilities of further developing the education evaluation system and the related policies of the EU. The study analyses the existing EU level educational evaluation practices and policies with a special focus on the use of educational indicators and the assessment of pupil competences. On the basis of the analysis a number of recommendations ...

The ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’ and other EU initiatives call for more excellence in Europe’s higher education institutions in order to improve their performance, international attractiveness and competitiveness. In this context the relevance of quality in higher education gained momentum. The Study examines separately two different quality approaches, quality assurance and rankings, and takes stock of latest achievements. This is followed by a critical analysis of these approaches in a comparative perspective ...

Delovne izkušnje v podjetjih zelo cenijo, zato je njihovo pomanjkanje za iskalce prve zaposlitve večja ovira. Mnogi mladi se ujamejo v začarani krog: ne morejo najti prve službe, ker nimajo delovnih izkušenj. Vajeništvo ima dokazano velik vpliv na spodbujanje zaposlitev mladih in je tudi eden od pomembnih razlogov za nizko stopnjo brezposelnosti mladih v nekaterih evropskih državah. Evropska komisija je tako v sporočilu o ponovnem razmisleku kot v sporočilu o brezposelnosti mladih iz leta 2013 ...

Študija je v pomoč Odboru za kulturo in izobraževanje Evropskega parlamenta pri obravnavanju kakovosti osnovnošolskih učiteljev po Evropi. Vsebuje oceno stanja začetnega usposabljanja učiteljev, podpore na začetku poklicne poti ter stalnega strokovnega izpopolnjevanja v Evropi, in sicer z vidika posameznih učiteljev in njihovih pedagogov. Poročamo, v kolikšni meri ti podsistemi stalnega izobraževanja učiteljem pomagajo premagovati izzive v učilnicah, v šoli in na sistemski ravni. Poročilo vsebuje ...

This study examines the strengths and weaknesses of dual education/apprenticeships and explores policy developments in the EU- 28 in relation to the introduction and/or improvement of apprenticeship schemes. The study is based on data from a variety of sources, including academic literature and in-depth research in 10 EU countries. It identifies the characteristics of four main forms of VET delivery in relation to the role of work-based learning and suggests ways that countries could promote apprenticeships ...

Študija obravnava sisteme za sprejem v visokošolsko izobraževanje v desetih državah in vključuje države članice Evropske unije (Francijo, Nemčijo, Italijo, Slovenijo, Švedsko in Združeno kraljestvo), državo kandidatko (Turčijo) ter tri države, ki se običajno navajajo v mednarodnih primerjavah (Avstralijo, Japonsko in ZDA). Analiza sistemov za sprejem temelji na treh merilih: enakih možnostih, kakovosti in mobilnosti študentov.

The study describes the place occupied by the European dimension in the European secondary education at the beginning of the new millenium and underlines the principal assets, but also the possible imperfections, currently met on this subject in the whole of the European education systems in the fifteen Member States of the European Union as well as in the Candidate countries. It also considers the role that the European institutions, and in particular the European Parliament, could play in the future ...