
Rezultati iskanja

Prikazujem 10 od 11 Rezultati

In December 2021, the Commission tabled a proposal for a regulation on digitalisation of cross-border judicial cooperation, applicable to both civil and criminal cases. The co-legislators arrived at a compromise text in July 2023, which was endorsed by the Council's Committee of Permanent Representatives (Coreper) and jointly by the Parliament's Committees on Legal Affairs (JURI) and on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) in September. Parliament is due to vote on the compromise text ...

This analysis explores examples of best practices from selected parliaments in the areas of transparency, integrity, accountability and anti-corruption, and reflects on the effectiveness of the analysed approaches and their possible applicability for the European Parliament (EP). Findings confirm the need for the establishment of an independent European Union (EU) ethics body, granted investigative and enforcement powers with full transparency of enquiries, decisions and/or proposals as a pre-condition ...

Monthly highlights April 2023

Na kratko 27-04-2023

Pravosodno sodelovanje v kazenskih zadevah

Kratki vodnik po EU 01-04-2017

Pravosodno sodelovanje v kazenskih zadevah temelji na načelu vzajemnega priznavanja sodb in sodnih odločb ter vključuje ukrepe za približevanje zakonodaje držav članic na več področjih. Lizbonska pogodba zagotavlja trdno podlago za razvoj kazenskopravnega območja, obenem pa določa nove pristojnosti Evropskega parlamenta.

Policijsko sodelovanje

Kratki vodnik po EU 01-04-2017

Glavno orodje za policijsko sodelovanje je Evropski policijski urad (Europol), ki je osrednji del širše evropske ureditve na področju notranje varnosti. Sodelovanje in politike so še zmeraj v fazi razvoja, pozornost pa se posveča predvsem bolj učinkovitemu boju proti grožnjam celotni EU in kriminalu, predvsem Evropski parlament pa pri tem dosledno upošteva temeljne pravice in pravila o varstvu podatkov.

Over the past few years, the number of migrants requesting international protection has increased exponentially. The Geneva Convention on refugees and its subsequent Protocol entitle refugees to international protection, most importantly to the right not to be returned to their home countries. However, they define refugees in a restrictive manner, thus excluding many other categories of international migrants from the rights provided therein.

The aim of the study is to generate a best estimate for the economic, financial and social costs of organised crime in and against the EU and to inform an evidence-based understanding of the associated issues. As so much uncertainty and known intra-EU and inter-crime variation exist, the study refrains from trying to create an aggregate figure for the costs of organised crime and responses to it in the EU as a whole and, instead, where possible, produces estimates for selected offenses. The study ...

Prihodnost Eurojusta

Študija 16-04-2012

Ta študija se osredotoča na ključna vprašanja glede prihodnosti Eurojusta v novem okviru, ki je bil vzpostavljen z Lizbonsko pogodbo. V študiji so analizirane sedanja struktura in funkcije Eurojusta ter na tej podlagi opisane tri glavne možnosti glede prihodnosti Eurojusta: (1) postopni razvoj na podlagi obstoječega zakonodajnega okvira; (2) uporaba nove podlage iz Pogodb; in (3) soobstoj z evropskim javnim tožilstvom.

Okvirni sklep o boju proti organiziranemu kriminalu iz leta 2008 zagotavlja napreden okvir za inkriminacijo udeležbe v hudodelski združbi. Vendar ga je treba izboljšati z vidika pravne varnosti, področja uporabe in stopnje usklajenosti, ki jo dosega. Okvirni sklep je pripravljen splošno in nejasno, kar lahko vodi do prekomerne inkriminacije. Za zagotovitev enotnih pogojev v državah članicah in izboljšanje delovanja drugih elementov evropskega kazenskega prava je potrebna večja stopnja usklajenosti ...

This study examines the activities of the various bodies currently active in the field of criminal-law protection of the financial interests of the Union in the light of the Lisbon Treaty, considering how they are currently organised and how they might be reorganised in the event of the creation of a European Public Prosecutor.