
Rezultati iskanja

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This study presents an overview of Blue Growth emerging industries and investigates the linkages with the traditional maritime activity of fisheries with emphasis on small-scale fisheries. Positive synergies are investigated as well as possible opportunities (and threats) that Blue Growth can or should offer to small-scale fisheries and coastal communities in the context of economic growth, employment and innovation.

As the third largest socio-economic activity in the EU, tourism is important for growth and employment. Despite the depth of the economic crisis, the tourist industry in the EU has proved resilient with numbers of tourist trips remaining high. However, long-term trends suggest Europe is losing position in the global marketplace, with new destinations gaining ever growing market share. The Lisbon Treaty provides for faster and easier decision-making on EU measures in the field of tourism. Drawing ...

To poročilo vsebuje opis in analizo, kako, zakaj, kdaj in kje sta se v Evropi razvila turizem, ki temelji na industrijski dediščini, in podeželski turizem. V njem so obravnavana aktualna vprašanja s teh področij ter predlagani načini za širjenje obeh dejavnosti in krepitev njune uspešnosti in trajnosti, s čimer bi dosegli večje gospodarske, okoljske in družbeno-kulturne koristi za udeležene lokalne skupnosti ter celotno Evropo.

Ta posodobitev poročila iz leta 2009 vrednoti izzive in priložnosti za razvoj mreže za turistično kolesarstvo po Evropi. Osredotoča se na mrežo EuroVelo, ki jo v različnih državah razvija širok nabor partnerjev in vsebuje 14 poti dolgih razdalj, ki jih upravlja Evropska kolesarska zveza. Študija podaja pregled trga za kolesarski turizem in predstavlja model povpraševanja za EuroVelo. Ocenjuje tudi nedavni razvoj kolesarske poti ob železni zavesi.

This study evaluates the challenges and opportunities of developing a cycle tourism network across Europe. It focuses on EuroVelo, a network of 12 long-distance routes managed by the European Cyclists’ Federation, which is being developed in different countries by a wide range of partners. The study reviews the market for cycle tourism in Europe and presents a EuroVelo demand modal. It reviews the carriage of cycles on trains. Finally, it evaluates the potential of the Iron Curtain Trail.

The report is based on the analysis of a number of documents from the EU and the industry relevant to the nature of the tourism sector, policy-making issues, and the more general area of sustainable development. The introduction to the report outlines the process of sustainable tourism. It briefly discusses the effects of the 11th September, and provides a brief overview of the European tourism industry and its place in the global economy. The first part of the report presents options on EU policy ...