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Kratki vodnik po EU 01-06-2017

Od decembra 2009 obstaja za področje turizma posebna pravna podlaga, ni pa zanj v novi finančni perspektivi (2014–2020) predvidena posebna proračunska postavka.

Cycling mobility in the EU

Briefing 20-05-2015

As an everyday activity for millions of Europeans, cycling is increasing in importance in European society. In economic and social terms, it influences or impacts upon transport, mobility, environment and climate change, the economy and tourism. Currently, no cycling strategy exists at EU level. Cycling policies are a matter for Member States, which provide the regulatory frameworks and – in many cases – country-wide cycling programmes, while concrete actions are generated mostly at local or regional ...

Cost of Non-Europe Reports identify the possibilities for economic or other gains and/or the realisation of a ‘public good’ through common action at EU level in specific policy areas and sectors. This Cost of Non-Europe Report seeks to analyse the costs for citizens, businesses and relevant stake-holders of remaining gaps and barriers in the Single Market in transports, as well as to examine the benefits from further action in the tourism sector. This particular study - the third in a series - looks ...

As the third largest socio-economic activity in the EU, tourism is important for growth and employment. Despite the depth of the economic crisis, the tourist industry in the EU has proved resilient with numbers of tourist trips remaining high. However, long-term trends suggest Europe is losing position in the global marketplace, with new destinations gaining ever growing market share. The Lisbon Treaty provides for faster and easier decision-making on EU measures in the field of tourism. Drawing ...

V študiji smo preučili vlogo, ki jo imajo strukturni skladi pri podpori posegov v turizem na obalnih območjih. Strukturni skladi na splošno, še zlasti Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj, so pomemben vir financiranja za mala in srednja turistična podjetja in s turizmom povezane dejavnosti na evropski ravni . Čeprav turizem ni pomembna prednostna naloga in je v količinskem smislu delež sredstev strukturnih skladov, namenjenih turizmu, zelo majhen, vpliv v kakovostnem smislu ni nezanemarljiv, posebej ...

The note gives an overview of the existing fragmentation of EU tourism policy, in particular as regards the proposals relevant to tourism which different Commissioners have submitted during the last three years (2005-2007). Furthermore, the note analyses whether the different EU policy initiatives affecting tourism are in line with a coherent EU tourism approach or hamper a sustainable and competitive development of tourism. Finally, some recommendations are given in order to improve the current ...

The report is based on the analysis of a number of documents from the EU and the industry relevant to the nature of the tourism sector, policy-making issues, and the more general area of sustainable development. The introduction to the report outlines the process of sustainable tourism. It briefly discusses the effects of the 11th September, and provides a brief overview of the European tourism industry and its place in the global economy. The first part of the report presents options on EU policy ...