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The study focuses on the analysis of national legislation and best practices across the EU Member States that address health and safety requirements for the protection of mental health at work. The study reveals that efforts at EU and national level are currently insufficient to protect employees from psychosocial risks. EU-level legislation on work-related psychosocial risks is therefore needed to set the minimum health and safety requirements for mental health at work. This would compel Member ...

The study focuses on the analysis of national legislation and best practices across the EU Member States that address health and safety requirements for the protection of mental health at work. The study reveals that efforts at EU and national level are currently insufficient to protect employees from psychosocial risks. EU-level legislation on work-related psychosocial risks is therefore needed to set the minimum health and safety requirements for mental health at work. This would compel Member ...

This briefing follows up the commitments made by the commissioner since 2019.

Women working in transport

Na kratko 07-03-2022

International Women's Day on 8 March 2022 marks an occasion to reflect on the position of women as workers in the EU transport sector. Women only represent on average around 16 % (2020) of total employees in the different transport sectors and modes (land, water and air). In view of growing labour shortages in this important economic sector, worsened by the coronavirus pandemic, this share needs to increase, according to experts.

This infographic aims to present the current maternity and paternity leave situation in EU Member States. Most EU countries also grant an additional period of parental leave, but parental leave is not covered in this infographic.

Letošnji mednarodni dan žena bo znova potekal v senci koronavirusne pandemije, ki je razkrila in še dodatno poslabšala neenakosti med spoloma. Odbor Evropskega parlamenta za pravice žensk in enakost spolov bo to priložnost zaznamoval s sejo z nacionalnimi parlamenti, ki bo potekala 3. marca 2022. Namenjena bo preučevanju potenciala politik okrevanja z upoštevanjem vidika spola, pri čemer bo poudarek na medsebojno povezanih vprašanjih na področjih neplačane oskrbe, dela na daljavo in dobrega počutja ...

The COVID-19 pandemic and its associated economic crisis have impacted women differently than men in the European Union. Even if gender issues have never been so high-up in the European political agenda, the effects of the COVID-19 crisis are putting in jeopardy the progress achieved in the past decade in terms on the reduction of gender inequalities in European member states. The effects of the COVID-19 sanitary crisis have also served to highlight the need for member states to develop proactive ...

The study explores the working conditions and risks faced by essential frontline workers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on women and migrant workers in low-paid frontline occupations. The study also provides an overview of the main legislative and policy measures adopted at EU and national level to support essential workers in order to identify possible policy actions to revaluate these occupations. The analysis is based on the triangulation of data and information resulting ...

These proceedings summarise the presentations and discussions that took place during the EMPL workshop held on 2 December 2021 on Mental health and well-being in the digital world of work post COVID. The workshop had four presentations, each followed by a Q&A session. The presentations touched upon the cost of poor mental health and the cost of inaction, digitalisation in the world of work, innovative and practical ways to create a resilient workplace and the role of legislation at national and EU ...

The Republic of Iceland is one of the smallest European countries, with a population of 370,000 inhabitants in 2021 . It is an island state and its official language is Icelandic. Historically, geographically and politically, Iceland is connected to the Scandinavian countries and is part of the Nordic countries, but does not belong to the EU. Iceland is a part of the EEA Agreement, which enables the country to enjoy the benefits of the EU’s single market without the full privileges and responsibilities ...