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Faktablad om EU 01-10-2017

Genom subsidiaritetsprincipen (närhetsprincipen), som har skrivits in i fördraget om Europeiska unionen, fastställs villkoren för när unionen får agera i stället för medlemsstaterna på de områden där unionen har icke-exklusiva befogenheter.

Överstatliga beslutsförfaranden

Faktablad om EU 01-05-2017

Till följd av medlemskapet i EU har medlemsstaterna enats om att överlåta sina befogenheter på vissa politikområden till EU-institutionerna. Det innebär att EU:s institutioner fattar överstatliga, bindande beslut i sina lagstiftande och verkställande förfaranden, budgetförfaranden, förfaranden för utnämningar och författningsliknande förfaranden.

Against a backdrop of continuing and often intense political debate in the United Kingdom about its relationship with the rest of the European Union (EU), the Coalition Agreement of May 2010, underpinning the 2010-2015 Conservative–Liberal Democrat government, stated that the new administration would ‘examine the balance of the EU’s existing competences’, in the context of an overall government commitment to ‘ensure that there is no further transfer of sovereignty or powers’ to the EU during that ...

The Lisbon Treaty extends exclusive European Union competence to foreign direct investment (FDI). In this context the issue of dispute settlement will be included in future EU Investment Agreements. For such situations the European Commission has put forward a draft proposal on how financial responsibility could be shared between the EU and/or a Member State (MS). The proposal aims to address possible conflicts that may arise between the EU/Commission and the respective MS when claims are brought ...

The study looked into the impact - on both EU and national budgets - of transferring responsibilities/tasks from the national to the European level following the creation of EU agencies and also examined possible synergies and duplications between them. The study focused on two growing EU agencies - the European Aviation Safety Agency and the European Medicines Agency - which cooperate with the national agencies in different ways. The study covers all 27 Member States and provides an analysis of ...

The United Kingdom's EU bill

Kort sammanfattning 28-03-2011

Although the United Kingdom does not have a constitutional tradition of referenda, calls for a popular vote on its relationship with the EU have become increasingly loud and sustained since the EU Constitutional Treaty was abandoned in 2005. The new government's EU bill would, inter alia, introduce the most comprehensive ’referendum lock’ of any Member State on future transfers of power to the EU.

The damage to the economy and the environment caused by external effects is estimated at about 4% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is reason enough for the European Commission to propose instruments for the internalisation of external effects. This working document shows the economic basis for this policy and describes how it can be introduced in practice, followed by some recommendations. This paper is intended to help readers without an economic background to understand how people in ...