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CAP strategic plans: Approval process

Kort sammanfattning 15-06-2022

The delivery model for the post 2022 common agricultural policy (CAP) involves basic EU level policy rules and greater responsibility for Member States as to how they tailor their CAP measure toolboxes to local needs. The national CAP strategic plans drawn up to this end by Member States are now at the approval stage.

As part of the preparation of the EU budget for 2021-2027, the European Commission put forward a new set of regulations to shape the future EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on 1 June 2018. The proposal for a regulation on the financing, management and monitoring of the CAP provides the legislative framework for adapting the financing, management and monitoring rules to a new CAP delivery model. This seeks to achieve more subsidiarity and simplification, with greater responsibility given to Member ...

The European Commission proposed a reform package incorporating rules on the financial aspects of European Union (EU) farm policy in June 2018. Following lengthy talks on the reform, the text finally agreed by European Parliament and Council negotiators in June 2021 is scheduled for vote during the November II plenary session.

On 31 October 2019, the European Commission adopted a legislative package aimed at ensuring the continuation of the current common agricultural policy (CAP) until the legislation on the post 2020 CAP is in force. The package includes a proposal for a CAP transitional regulation setting out a number of adjustments to current CAP regulations, concerning their applicability beyond 2020 with new financial allocations. This proposal introduces transitional provisions and amendments that are necessary ...

Financial management of the future CAP

Kort sammanfattning 14-10-2020

In the context of the future EU multiannual budget, the European Commission put forward a proposal on the financing, management and monitoring of EU farm policy on 1 June 2018, as part of a CAP reform package of three legislative proposals. Since then, discussions have highlighted the need to maintain at least the current level of agricultural expenditure, as well as to simplify the procedures while adapting them to the future CAP delivery model. The CAP proposals are scheduled for debate and vote ...

This note assesses possible consequences of Brexit for the EU budget and the Common Agricultural Policy. It discusses the importance of the ‘Brexit bill’ and the loss of the British net contribution. Furthermore, it describes how the EU budget and spending on the Common Agricultural Policy can be adjusted to the new situation and estimates how the different options would affect EU Member States and their net balances.

Den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken i siffror

Faktablad om EU 01-10-2017

I nedanstående tabeller presenteras grundläggande statistik för flera områden som rör den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken (GJP): jordbruks- och livsmedelsindustrin i medlemsstaterna (tabell II), införlivande av miljöhänsyn (tabell III), EU:s skogar (tabell IV), budgetramen och utgifter (tabellerna I och V) och handel med jordbruks- och livsmedelsprodukter (tabell VI).

Genom 2003 års reform och 2009 års ”hälsokontroll” frikopplades den största delen av direktstödet och överfördes i stället till det nya systemet med samlat gårdsstöd och, för nya EU-länder, till det förenklade systemet för arealersättning. Den nya förordningen (EU) nr 1307/2013 fastställer systemet för direktstöd från och med den 1 januari 2015.

Den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken har genomgått fem stora reformer, varav de senaste gjordes 2003 (halvtidsöversyn), 2009 (hälsokontrollen) och 2013 (för budgetperioden 2014–2020). De inledande diskussionerna om den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken efter 2020 inleddes 2016.

Den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken finansierades tidigare genom en enda fond, Europeiska utvecklings- och garantifonden för jordbruket, som den 1 januari 2007 ersattes av Europeiska garantifonden för jordbruket (EGFJ) och Europeiska jordbruksfonden för landsbygdsutveckling (EJFLU).