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Climate change, a global phenomenon, affects every aspect of our lives, including cultural heritage in both its forms – tangible and intangible. Extreme weather conditions expose these important elements of our cultural identity to serious threats. These threats must be addressed to protect valuable sites and preserve them for future generations. Research on climate change is not a novelty, but climate change as it relates to cultural heritage is a relatively new area of exploration and policy. The ...

European media freedom act

Kort sammanfattning 06-03-2024

On 15 December 2023, the co-legislators reached a provisional agreement on a regulation establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market (European Media Freedom Act). The Committee on Culture and Education has endorsed the text which is now due to be voted in plenary in March. The EMFA is a historic step, as it will set the first EU-level rules on media freedom, pluralism and the protection of journalists.

European media freedom act

Briefing 06-02-2024

An independent media is a pillar of democracy and an important part of the economy, helping to shape public opinion and hold those in power to account. In recent years, however, there have been increasingly worrying trends across the European Union (EU), as documented in the annual rule of law reports by the European Commission, and by other tools such as the Media Pluralism Monitor. Tabled on 16 September 2022, the proposed European media freedom act (EMFA) would introduce a new set of rules to ...


Faktablad om EU 30-01-2024

Idrott är ett område där EU:s ansvar är relativt nytt eftersom det infördes först genom Lissabonfördraget, som trädde i kraft i december 2009. EU ansvarar för att utveckla en evidensbaserad politik och för att främja samarbete och leda initiativ till stöd för fysisk aktivitet och idrott i hela Europa. En specifik budgetpost infördes för första gången inom det första programmet Erasmus+ (2014–2020) för att stödja projekt och nätverk inom idrotten.

'Auschwitz didn't appear from nowhere', remarked Marian Turski, Holocaust survivor and child prisoner in the Auschwitz death camp, in January 2020 at the solemn ceremony on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The former Auschwitz prisoner described the path from tiny hardships in everyday life and growing discrimination and persecution laws, to the genocide of Jews, the Holocaust. The consecutive stages of shrinking freedom can be summarised as 10 stages of genocide, in a process that could ...


Faktablad om EU 16-01-2024

Europeiska unionens verksamhet på kulturområdet kompletterar medlemsstaternas kulturpolitik på olika områden, såsom bevarandet av Europas kulturarv, samarbetet mellan de olika ländernas kulturinstitutioner och främjandet av utbyte bland arbetstagare med kreativa yrken. Kultursektorn berörs också av bestämmelser i fördragen som inte uttryckligen avser kulturområdet.

EU:s audiovisuella politik grundas på artiklarna 167 och 173 i fördraget om Europeiska unionens funktionssätt (EUF-fördraget). Den centrala rättsakten för detta politikområde är direktivet om audiovisuella medietjänster, som reviderades 2018. Det viktigaste EU-instrumentet för att stödja branschen (särskilt filmindustrin) är programområdet Media, som ingår i programmet Kreativa Europa. I EU-stadgan om de grundläggande rättigheterna begär man att ”mediernas frihet och mångfald ska respekteras”.

This study provides an in-depth analysis of the Proposal for a Directive establishing the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities, and outlines recommendations. This Proposal represents an important stepping stone to promote free movement of persons with disabilities. It is based on mutual recognition of disability status, but does not harmonise disability assessments. It would ensure that holders of the cards may avail of disability benefits in a range ...

During its November II plenary session, Parliament is expected to vote on a legislative-initiative report on the cultural and creative sectors. The report recommends establishing an EU framework and adopting a directive to bring national approaches closer on various aspects of these sectors, including definitions and social security.